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Revista pueblos y fronteras digital

On-line version ISSN 1870-4115


TREJO SANCHEZ, Enrique de Jesús; VALDIVIEZO OCAMPO, Guillermo S.  and  PARRA VAZQUEZ, Manuel Roberto. Subjectivities in the Life Strategies of Families that Produce African Palm Trees in the Chiapas State Coastal Micro-Region. Rev. pueblos front. digit. [online]. 2021, vol.16, e539.  Epub Apr 28, 2023. ISSN 1870-4115.

This paper aims to analyze the livelihood of families producing African palm trees in the coastal micro-region of Chiapas State. Its core interest is to demonstrate how strategies for collective action are constructed in order to take possession of most of the income generated by this activity. This analysis is based on the Small-Scale Farmer Territorial System approach (SITCA by its acronym in Spanish), of great use in identifying the livelihood of local family units. In addition to this theoretical approach, participatory workshops and interviews were also conducted with key stakeholders (independent producers and business partners in social enterprises, as well as people in charge of national organizations). This paper demonstrates how local family units have diversified plots of land that combine the production of African palm trees not only with other agricultural farming activities, but also with the provision of services. The income proceeding from these crops serves to increase capital and, at the same time, to reach both tangible and intangible aspirations. Besides, it enables these small-scale farmers to adapt to the set of standards and rules imposed by multi-sited organizations.

Keywords : livelihood; social capital; collective action; productive diversification.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )