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Región y sociedad
On-line version ISSN 2448-4849Print version ISSN 1870-3925
PALERM VIQUEIRA, Jacinta. Characterization of Irrigation District Water User Associations and Presence of Local Organizations. Región y sociedad [online]. 2020, vol.32, e1335. Epub Jan 27, 2021. ISSN 2448-4849.
The irrigation districts water user associations (módulos) have features that differ from those of, also self-governed, traditional irrigation organizations. The first objective of this article is to characterize distinctive features. The second objective is to explore, in the módulos, the presence of informal local organizations. The comparative method (between types of organizations and between módulos) as well as the ethnographic method (at the módulos) is used. The results encompass characterization of distinctive features and fact based determination of presence of local organizations in the módulos. The case studies of módulos, in relation to the universe of irrigation districts, are limited. However, the approach is novel, few studies contrast organizational types and there are few ethnographies from the local viewpoint for the módulos. It is shown that there are substantive differences between the organizational types, and that despite the rigidity and centralization of the organizational design of the módulos, there is local organizational effervescence.
Keywords : Mexico; water user associations; irrigation districts; bureaucratic administration; local organizations.