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vol.26 issueESPECIAL4Muertes de mujeres y violencia social en tres entidades de la frontera norte de MéxicoMujeres, narco y violencia: resultados de una guerra fallida author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Región y sociedad

On-line version ISSN 2448-4849Print version ISSN 1870-3925


ZUNIGA ELIZALDE, Mercedes. Las mujeres en los espacios públicos: entre la violencia y la búsqueda de libertad. Región y sociedad [online]. 2014, vol.26, n.especial4, pp.78-100. ISSN 2448-4849.

The purpose of this project is to analyze the manifestations of violence that women, as a gender, experience in public spaces, in order to outline some elements of explanation for understanding the problem from the perspective of the women themselves, that is, how they live, represent, observe or suffer this violence. The research results presented here are part of a comprehensive study on violence against women in the northwestern region of Mexico, particularly in the states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa and Sonora, carried out during 2012.

Keywords : women; violence; public spaces; community violence; sexual violence; gender inequalities.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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