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vol.7 issue14La acción colectiva transnacional en las acción colectiva de los movimientos sociales y de las Relaciones Internacionales author indexsubject indexsearch form
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CONfines de relaciones internacionales y ciencia política

Print version ISSN 1870-3569


LEETOY, Salvador. Otras globalizaciones posibles: movimientos sociales altermundistas y la ruta hacia el sujeto cultural indígena internacional. CONfines relacion. internaci. ciencia política [online]. 2011, vol.7, n.14, pp.13-42. ISSN 1870-3569.

This article reviews the contribution of the indigenous insurrection of the National Liberation Zapatista Army in the contemporary global dissidence via the appropriation of the international indigenous cultural subject. Accordingly, a discussion is elaborated regarding the construction of other possible globalizations based in the interaction, recognition and reformulation of diverse cultural experiences. Likewise, the paper evaluates the consideration of the neozapatista movement as the starting point of contemporary alter-globalization.

Keywords : EZLN; alter-globalization; globalization; international dissidence; social movements.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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