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On-line version ISSN 2448-539XPrint version ISSN 1870-1191
BAEZ PONCE, Mariana and ESTRADA LUGO, Erin I.J.. Miradas desde el humedal: Fotografía participativa con pescadoras y pescadores del sistema lagunar de Alvarado. Culturales [online]. 2014, vol.2, n.1, pp.9-48. ISSN 2448-539X.
We present the results of a qualitative research, in which the principal tool was photo voice, a methodology framed within visual anthropology and participatory photography. The main goal was to explore, from a gender perspective, the perceptions and valuations of fisherwomen and fishermen linked to the use and management of a wetland in the central coast of Veracruz. We also studied the meanings and impacts of cooperatives in their communities and families. The study zone is valuable because of its biological diversity, the importance of its extensive wetlands for conservation and the presence of an ethnical mosaic that has built an identity highly associated with this ecosystem. Through a reflection process and stories constructed with photographs taken by them, women and men described their perceptions, concerns, dreams and passions related to their natural environment and cooperatives. There is a gender-based differentiation both in the photographs made as well as in the perspectives related to the wetland. We finish providing a brief discussion around on the experience using a visual form of expression that allows a different way to observe and recognize.
Keywords : fishing cooperatives; gender; participatory photography; perception; photo voice; valuation; uses; wetland.