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On-line version ISSN 2448-539XPrint version ISSN 1870-1191


KORSTANJE, Maximiliano. La Germaneidad y el ocio en el mundo antiguo: entre la ideología y el placer. Culturales [online]. 2009, vol.5, n.10, pp.177-220. ISSN 2448-539X.

The Germanic world or broadly speaking their cosmology makes reference to bravery, the feat and manual ability in the use of weapons as features that were characteristics to these tribes. Afterwards the tragic episodes of Varo and Teutenburg, Germans constituted for Rome a curiosity. For one hand, had been admired because of their attributes well-demonstrated in battle but for the other they were considered barbarians, savages, beyond the boundaries of any kind of civilization. The leisure (otium) in the Latin style of life had the instrument as to measure the others. Fearless, Germans had been a construction achieved in the hearth of Roman Empire and captivated to the modernity and other generations else such as humanism in XVIII Century, Eugenesic in XIX or National-Socialism in XX. Under such a context, the present paper is an intention to put in dialogue two classical works regarding the habits and customs as to how Germans practiced leisure thru I AD and BC centuries. In this point, almost all remarks had been based on observations done by Caius Julius Caesar and Cornelius Tacitus. Both authors by their prejudice, resemblances and difference say something about the epoch each one saw.

Keywords : ancient leisure; Germany; classic works; playful practices.

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