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Revista de El Colegio de San Luis

On-line version ISSN 2007-8846Print version ISSN 1665-899X


CASTANEDA GARCIA, Daniel. Falling in Love with a Chimera. Act of Reading and Fictional Pact in Polvos de arroz, by Sergio Galindo. Revista Col. San Luis [online]. 2022, vol.12, n.23, 00034.  Epub May 27, 2024. ISSN 2007-8846.

This study analyzes the adventures of Camerina Rabasa, the main character in Polvos de arroz (1959), by Sergio Galindo. The main objective is to show how, from an act of reading, Camerina builds an ideal relationship with Juan Antonio. Likewise, its purpose is to explain the transit that the protagonist goes through to reach a state of solitude, from which she can only escape with her imagination. Finally, its mission is to highlight the constant tension between facticity and fiction, where the former prevails and leads to disenchantment. The work concludes with the idea that Camerina Rabasa is the hyperbolization of a way of reading and a way of relating to the world. The value of this research lies in the fact that it offers a new look at this novel by Galindo, which, traditionally, has been observed only from the story of customs, from its relationship with literary realism, and from the typification of some “feminine” features.

Keywords : Polvos de arroz; Sergio Galindo; Camerina Rabasa; act of reading; fictional pact.

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