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On-line version ISSN 2007-7033Print version ISSN 1665-109X


AQUINO ZUNIGA, Silvia Patricia; GARCIA MARTINEZ, Verónica  and  IZQUIERDO, Jesús. La inclusión educativa de ciegos y baja visión en el nivel superior: Un estudio de caso. Sinéctica [online]. 2012, n.39, pp.01-21. ISSN 2007-7033.

The inclusion of people with disabilities in regular education is especially important. Higher education institutions have a social responsibility to facilitate the incorporation of these minorities in this level because they have no other training alternatives. There is a group of blind and visually impaired students in the various educational programs at the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco. The current study's objective was to analyze the aids and instructional support needed by the target population for their effective inclusion in the university's programs. The case study is the methodological reference of the project. To accomplish our research objective, open-ended interviews were conducted with seven students registered in the institution. The interview results are presented as a cross analysis or contrasting cases, which reveal the degree of vision as an incident in their pathways, and the need for support in three categories: architectural accessibility, technological and personnel that should be promoted at this University.

Keywords : inclusive education; higher education; visually impaired students.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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