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 issue32Competencias y rasgos de ética profesional en estudiantes y profesores de posgrado de la UNAMLa educación de posgrado con un enfoque humanista en el mundo globalizante: El caso del Colpos author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2007-7033Print version ISSN 1665-109X


ALMEIDA, Eduardo  and  SANCHEZ, María Eugenia. Desarrollo comunitario y desarrollo humano: aportes de una sinergía ONG-Universidad. Sinéctica [online]. 2009, n.32, pp.11-13. ISSN 2007-7033.

This article describes the communal and human development of a non-government organization (NGO) and the Universidad Iberoamericana in the state of Puebla, in particular the effects of the dialogue and synergy interactions between them. Discussed is a summary of twenty seven years of social relationship between the NGO and an indigenous community. Their reciprocal contribution concerning their personal and community lives and the people involved in the process, and how they built knowledge to boast a symmetrical relation. The bonds of this experience from 1994 to 2000 and the evolution of the Universidad Iberoamericana with its epistemological approach as a Jesuit University helped develop social challenges as guidance, and focus on the exchange and convergences and on the proposal of a social historical framework to foster a significant work for the University. The synergy achieved provided options to improve the University's social impact in the region's community development.

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