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On-line version ISSN 2448-5144Print version ISSN 1607-050X


GARDUNO, Everardo. Symbolic Cartography on the Traditional Territory of the Kumeyaay People. Desacatos [online]. 2017, n.55, pp.90-109. ISSN 2448-5144.

The Kumeyaay people live in Baja California. This is an indigenous group with an ancient nomadic lifestyle that elaborated through centuries a symbolic cartography on its territory. This paper documents the existence of this cartography with morphologies of natural origin, spaces intervened, and sites remaining only in their memory. In the first case, rocks, springs and mountains are outlined. In the second case, cemeteries, ritual or archaeological sites, and bewitched structures. In the third case, places destroyed by negligence or intentionally. In all cases they are geosymbols on which the Kumeyaay people have elaborated narratives that place these sites as important elements that deserve to be protected or rescued.

Keywords : Kumeyaay; symbolic cartography; cultural heritage; Yumans; Baja California.

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