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vol.11 issue44Changes in the income social distribution in Uruguay from 1998 to 2003 author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Papeles de población

On-line version ISSN 2448-7147Print version ISSN 1405-7425


BOLTVINIK, Julio. Extend the glance: A new poverty approach and the human flourishing. Pap. poblac [online]. 2005, vol.11, n.44, pp.9-42. ISSN 2448-7147.

A radically new approach to poverty, founded on philosophical anthropology and on systematic reflection on human needs, is presented. The approach departs from the conceptual axis of human flourishing (multiple perspectives of the development of human essential forces: needs and capacities). By cutting off all other perspectives, the economic view of the development of human essential forces is constituted: the standard of living axis. The article presents the main conclusions of a much larger work. In each axis two levels of aggregation are distinguished: societal and individual, and two dimensions of being: structural and circumstantial. This allows for the construction of four concepts of poverty/ wealth: structural being human poverty, circumstantial being human poverty, structural being economic poverty, circumstantial being economic poverty.

Keywords : human flourishing; standard of living; poverty; basic needs.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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