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vol.9 issue35El camino hacia la estabilización demográfica y el proceso de envejecimiento en América Latina: una ilustración a partir de algunos países seleccionados author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Papeles de población

On-line version ISSN 2448-7147Print version ISSN 1405-7425


MIRO G., Carmen A.. Transición demográfica y envejecimiento demográfico. Pap. poblac [online]. 2003, vol.9, n.35, pp.9-28. ISSN 2448-7147.

The ageing of population is today a topic of great demographic interest. This process is the result of the demographic transition, understood as the path from high levels of mortality and fertility to lower levels, as well as the change in the age structure of the population. This article analyzes this process for six Latin American countries from 1970 to 2025: Bolivia, Haiti, Costa Rica, Panama, Chile y Cuba. These countries present a population dynamic representative of the different stages of demographic transition. The aging population process stands out in more modernized countries (with higher educational levels, environment awareness, social and economic participation of women, better health services, and family planning.) Because few solutions have been presented to deal with this process, the repercussions in the vulnerable population are left out of the debate.

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