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vol.7 issue29La pobreza ignorada: Evolución y característicasLa estructura de la riqueza familiar y su relación con la pobreza en Monterrey author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Papeles de población

On-line version ISSN 2448-7147Print version ISSN 1405-7425


SALVIA, Agustín  and  DONZA, Eduardo. Cambios en la capacidad de bienestar y en la desigualdad distributiva bajo el nuevo modelo económico en el Gran Buenos Aires. Pap. poblac [online]. 2001, vol.7, n.29, pp.55-81. ISSN 2448-7147.

The objective of this research is to contribute to a diagnosis of one of the principal social problems which affects Argentina at the end of the decade of the nineties, that is: the widening gap in social inequality. Here it is demonstrated and checked, by means of statistical time series and simulation exercises, evidence of the changes which have occurred in the distribution of income and in the economic effort exerted in the last decade of the twentieth century by households in Greater Buenos Aires, according to their position by quintiles of income. The data used come from the Permanent Survey of Households of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses; the microdata make it possible to define aggregated units of analysis, correct biases in the data, adjust incomes by a price series, and decompose and simulate family incomes taking into account demographic, social and labor factors.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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