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vol.6 issue25Trabajo femenino extradoméstico y riesgo de disolución de la primera unión: El caso de las mujeres urbanas en la Región Capital de VenezuelaLa centralidad del trabajo hoy author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Papeles de población

On-line version ISSN 2448-7147Print version ISSN 1405-7425


FIGUEROA PEREA, Juan Guillermo  and  SANCHEZ OLGUIN, Verónica. La presencia de los varones en el discurso y en la práctica del aborto. Pap. poblac [online]. 2000, vol.6, n.25, pp.59-82. ISSN 2448-7147.

In this article, the authors propose several reflections on different ways in which males participate in the process of interrupting a pregnancy, as a practice per se and within the process of defining normative criteria for influencing said process. They propose certain hypothesis regarding the reasons why males are a secondary actor in models for interpreting reproduction and show how this produces conceptual problems, practical ambivalences, and instances of confusion in the process of defining rights and responsibilities in the sphere of reproduction, despite the fact that males are also identified as relevant actors when defining the moral discourse that attempts to regulate the possibility of abortion. The authors are interested in taking into account several contributions made by feminist thought when analyzing the double moral standard used as a reference for males' and females' sexual and reproductive experiences. While this is an exploratory text, the authors do not limit themselves repeating some of the proposals made by feminist thought, but rather diversify them by directing their attention to "masculinity studies" in terms of the use of language, how discourse is handled, and males' experiences involving two dynamisms related to reproduction, sexuality and health.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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