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Print version ISSN 1405-2768


LUNA ROBLES, Erik Orlando; CANTU SILVA, Israel; HERNANDEZ, Francisco Javier  and  BEJAR PULIDO, Silvia Janeth. Effects of forest management on the soil CO2 emission of an umbrisol in forests of Durango, Mexico. Polibotánica [online]. 2023, n.56, pp.101-114.  Epub Sep 18, 2023. ISSN 1405-2768.

Different biogeochemical processes are carried out in forest soils, which have been modified by anthropic actions, so that activities related to forest management are not the exception. Therefore, the objective was to determine the effect of three regeneration cuts (Seed trees, Clear cutting and Selection) on the soil respiration in an Umbrisol, comparing them with a Post-fire regenerated area and a Reference stand in temperate forests of Durango, Mexico. Soil respiration was determined with measurements made in the afternoon (12:30 to 15:00 h) during the period from December 2019 to October 2020 using the portable EGM-4 system (U.K.). The soil respiration rate ranged between 0 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1 (December 21, 2019, Clear cutting stand) and 36.45 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1 (July 27, Seed trees stand). Specifically, all the stands presented average low rates of soil respiration with respect to the reference stand (8.86 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1). CO2 fluxes were higher at the beginning of the rainy season. The results showed that the silvicultural practices used in the study region are a good strategy to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and thus mitigate the processes related to climate change.

Keywords : forest soils; biogeochemical processes; regeneration cuts; soil respiration; climate change.

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