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vol.12 issue38Las Redes Sociotécnicas en Torno a la Investigación Biotecnológica del MaízRepresentaciones Sociales y Prácticas de Consumo del Éxtasis author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2448-5799Print version ISSN 1405-1435


BRUSILOVSKY, Silvia  and  CABRERA, María Eugenia. Cultura Escolar en Educación Media para Adultos. Una Tipología de sus Orientaciones. Convergencia [online]. 2005, vol.12, n.38, pp.277-311. ISSN 2448-5799.

We present a “typology” of the orientations adopted by work within the me dium level schools for adults, which is elaborated on the basis of information collected through interviews carried in schools. We organized this construction by articulating some categories which al lowed us to identify the latent structures that grant sense to the scholar activity and to rebuild the “adult ´s pedagogies” that become effective in the practice. In this article we present the dimensions used for build ing this differ ent types of orientation, categories, their characteristics and the relation ship of each of them with specific political and social orientations, current or historical.

Keywords : adult´s education; practice orientations; pedagogical relationship.

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