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Gestión y política pública
Print version ISSN 1405-1079
DIAZ ORUETA, Fernando. Urban Peripheries and the Restructuring of Spanish Urban Policies. Gest. polít. pública [online]. 2012, vol.21, n.spe, pp.41-81. ISSN 1405-1079.
The article analyzes the evolution of Spanish urban peripheries over the last three decades. New Urban Policy, as one of the key mechanisms of the entrepreneurial governance, has dramatically influenced cities socio-spatial structure and, particularly, urban peripheries.They received a priority attention in the first stage of the recovered Spanish local democracy, but urban peripheries moved soon into a secondary role of the urban agendas, making way to other urban interventions focused on reinforcing city competittion. Peripheries analysis shows significant housing deprivation and exclusión problems, but at this moment they are not equivalent to the American ghettos. In any case, the need for public sector intervention in urban peripheries is in a context of crisis even higher.
Keywords : urban sociology; social change; urban poverty; community power; urban zones.