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vol.11 issue2Efecto del fuego en el establecimiento de Arctostaphylos pungens Hbk., en ecosistemas templados semihúmedos de Durango, MéxicoUn procedimiento alternativo al tradicional para la medición de alturas con clinómetro author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Madera y bosques

On-line version ISSN 2448-7597Print version ISSN 1405-0471


PAZ PEREZ OLVERA, Carmen de la; DAVALOS SOTELO, Raymundo  and  QUINTANAR ISAIAS, Paz Alejandra. Influencia de los radios en algunas propiedades físicas y mecánicas de la madera de ocho encinos (Quercus) de Durango, México. Madera bosques [online]. 2005, vol.11, n.2, pp.49-68. ISSN 2448-7597.

The relations between the radial parenchyma (uniseriate and multiseriate rays) and volumetric shrinkage and with the mechanical properties of eight Durango woods are presented. The mechanical properties studied are: static bending, compression parallel-to-grain, compression perpendicular-to-grain and shear parallel-to-grain. The relationship between the anatomical and physical properties was determined through stepwise regression analysis. The dependent variables were the anatomical values and the independent ones were the physical and mechanical values. It was determined that the height and width of multiseriate rays are the anatomical characters with the greatest influence in all properties. It was concluded that the selection of oak wood species in the transformation processes is an urgent task and that the anatomical and physical characteristics that influence its management must be considered in order to utilize this resource in an optimal way and to be able to achieve the conservation of oak forests and the preservation of the ecological equilibrium of the places where they grow.

Keywords : Volumetric shrinkage; Durango; oak; wood; Mexico; mechanical properties; Rays.

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