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vol.11 issue2Carbon stocks and fluxes in reforestated sites of Durango, MexicoInfluencia de los radios en algunas propiedades físicas y mecánicas de la madera de ocho encinos (Quercus) de Durango, México author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Madera y bosques

On-line version ISSN 2448-7597Print version ISSN 1405-0471


MARQUEZ LINARES, Marco A.; JURADO, Enrique  and  LOPEZ GONZALEZ, Celia. Efecto del fuego en el establecimiento de Arctostaphylos pungens Hbk., en ecosistemas templados semihúmedos de Durango, México. Madera bosques [online]. 2005, vol.11, n.2, pp.35-48. ISSN 2448-7597.

The frequency of establishment of Arctostaphylos pungens (manzanita) in three ecologically similar sites subject to different fire regimes was assessed for localities in the Sierra Madre Occidental in Durango, México. We found that manzanita seedlings got established more often within the first two years following the fire. Plants are also able to establish themselves without the stimulus of fire, though in lower numbers. Fire intensity and litter depth play an important role in the establishment of manzanita seedlings.

Keywords : Arctostaphylos pungens; Durango; establishment; fire; germination.

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