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vol.12 issue25Espacialización, estilos de vida y clases medias: procesos de suburbanización en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos AiresLa formación de investigadores en México author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Perfiles latinoamericanos

Print version ISSN 0188-7653


DAMIAN, Araceli. El crecimiento del empleo y las estrategias laborales de sobrevivencia en México: Apuntes para un debate. Perf. latinoam. [online]. 2004, vol.12, n.25, pp.59-87. ISSN 0188-7653.

This article analyzes the relation between economic changes and labor participation rate. It questions the thesis regarding the incorporation into the labor supply of more household members in response to a fall in income. To do so it examines critically the methodologies and information of several texts dealing with the evolution of employment at the micro and macro levels. On the basis of information on employment in Mexico (1979-1991), in Mexico City (1979-1999) and in 16 other cities or large towns (1988-1999), it shows that, even if such labor strategies may have been put into effect at the micro level, this does not offset a general tendency towards contraction of employment (or at least to a declining rate of growth) during economic crises.

Keywords : survival strategies; rate of labor participation; equivalent participation rate; employment; labor participation of women and young people; economic crises; cities.

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