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Tópicos (México)

Print version ISSN 0188-6649


CORDERO REDONDO, Joan. Hegel’s New Metaphysics in Wissenschaft der Logik‘s Foreword (1812). Tópicos (México) [online]. 2024, n.69, pp.55-83.  Epub Aug 16, 2024. ISSN 0188-6649.

This paper analyzes the foreword to the Science of Logic (WdL) from 1812. It answers the following questions: what is WdL about? What is the logic in the Science of Logic? Is the term “logic” just a substitute for “metaphysics” or, rather, is WdL the inception of a completely new discipline, quite different from metaphysics in the traditional sense? I reach the conclusion that, in WdL, logic is the development of the concept expressed as social freedom.

Keywords : Science of Logic; logic; Hegel; foreword; metaphysics.

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