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Investigaciones geográficas
On-line version ISSN 2448-7279Print version ISSN 0188-4611
MANJARREZ MUNOZ, Bartolomé et al. Territorial configuration and perspectives of planning of livestock husbandry in the municipalities of Balancán and Tenosique, Tabasco. Invest. Geog [online]. 2007, n.64, pp.90-115. ISSN 2448-7279.
The objective of the present work is to analyze the spatial & temporal configuration of livestock husbandry in Balancán and Tenosique, Tabasco, Méx., as well as the changes in the use of soil and the perspectives of its planning. Four extensive livestock systems were characterized. Prevailing the cow - calf system and the traditional rejeguería; being the enhanced rejeguería mejorada and sires breeding those with smaller frequency. The four systems present marked technological and productive differences. Beside the differences in the productive orientation, the average area of pastures and the orientation of markets. Livestock husbandry is developed in three environmental units (plains, hillocks land and mountain range) in soils characterized to be flood prone, stony in uneven places, shallow upon calcareous subsoil and shallow + stony; most adequate for forestry. Four different land uses were proposed in order to ensure sustainability in resource management for livestock husbandry and to promote the use of woody perennials in livestock systems: alternative land uses are proposed to ensure sustainability in resource management for livestock husbandry and to promote the use of woody perennials into livestock systems: woody + grasses, reserves and reforestation, busher + grasses and mixed crop.
Keywords : Livestock husbandry; Usumacinta; Territorial Planning; Agroforestry Systems.