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Economía: teoría y práctica
On-line version ISSN 2448-7481Print version ISSN 0188-3380
CAMPA NAVARRO, Juan Ignacio; VENEGAS-MARTINEZ, Francisco and CRUZ-AKE, Salvador. Comparison of the Innovation Process in Mexico between the Protectionist and Free Trade Regimes: An Econometric Analysis of Parameter Instability and Structural Change, 1940-2015. Econ: teor. práct [online]. 2019, n.50, pp.11-35. ISSN 2448-7481.
This research analyzes the stability of the patenting dynamics in Mexico during the periods of industrialization by import substitution (ISI), (1940-1970), and the liberalized exchange (IL) (1995-current) through the records of available patents. For this study, the patent register is compared in both periods, in addition an econometric analysis of parameter instability and structural change is made. Our study suggests a continuity in the propensity to patent, although the composition of this process changes towards foreign and corporate patenting.
Keywords : Innovation; patents; intellectual property; Mexico; O31; O34; Q51.