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Economía: teoría y práctica
versión On-line ISSN 2448-7481versión impresa ISSN 0188-3380
TORRES CARRAL, Guillermo. Armamentismo y sobreconsumo en el capitalismo contemporáneo: La economía política de la guerra. Econ: teor. práct [online]. 2013, n.38, pp.149-181. ISSN 2448-7481.
This paper deals with the relationship between war and economy considering the negative effects of the latter and stressing their connections with overconsumption. Simultaneously it discusses the permanent war-economy from a theoretical perspective and its negative consequences at productive, financial, social and environmental levels, from the point of view of the political economy, with the goal of being able to understand their links to the expansion of consumption, which represents the key factor in contemporary capitalism and a main cause of the systemic crisis nowadays. This cannot be solved through merely financial rescues benefiting bigger enterprises and banks, because this crisis was originated by the present unbalance inside material and value exchanging between main productive sectors of capitalist economy; which finally is a result of military preparedness and overconsumption.
Palabras llave : reproduction of social capital; crisis; overconsumption; armaments.