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Educación química

Print version ISSN 0187-893X


HERRERA-MELIN, Ana María et al. Promoting discursive practice in chemistry teacher trainees. Educ. quím [online]. 2023, vol.34, n.4, pp.135-148.  Epub Jan 22, 2024. ISSN 0187-893X.

The present research, framed in a collective case study, analyzed 26 lesson plans focused on productive discussion, a practice that promotes learning opportunities under the dynamics of interaction in the classroom, elaborated by 14 chemistry teachers in training who simultaneously studied didactics and professional practice in the second semester of 2021 in different educational centers of the Metropolitan Region (Chile). The objective was to characterize by means of the didactic dimension of the development plans of scientific thinking (PPC), the theoretical load of the questions/statements in the promotion of productive discussion, in addition to identifying the approach/strategy developed: history of chemistry (HdQ), nature of science (NOS), socio-scientific problems (CTS-A), or daily context. In 3 of the 26 plans that identified HdQ, CTS-A and/or NOS, atlas ti software was used to analyze the narrative of the entire class, where the results of co-occurrence showed the relationship between discussion with socialization, scientific thinking skills (explanation) and instrumental, personal and social PPCs, providing empirical evidence of how this didactic dimension would allow guiding both the implementation of productive discussion and the instances of reflection in the professional practice workshops.

Keywords : Pre-service teacher education; Scientific Education; Productive discussion; Didactic of chemistry.

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