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Argumentos (México, D.F.)

Print version ISSN 0187-5795


CHAGUACEDA, Armando  and  BRANCALEONE, Cassio. El movimiento de los trabajadores rurales sin tierra (MST) hoy: desafíos de la izquierda social brasileña. Argumentos (Méx.) [online]. 2010, vol.23, n.62, pp.263-279. ISSN 0187-5795.

Searching alternative viewpoints from left and defending social actions and processes uncontrolled by the party, the market and the state, the authors present a small travel around the history, contradictions and possibilities of MST in its 25 years of existence, looking especially the complex relation between the movement and Lula government.

Keywords : MST; social left; social struggles; land reform.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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