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Contaduría y administración

Print version ISSN 0186-1042


WATKINS FASSLER, Karen  and  DAVILA DELGADO, Martín. Turnovers in Mexican firms: from theory to practice. Contad. Adm [online]. 2012, vol.57, n.1, pp.13-28. ISSN 0186-1042.

This paper studies the turnover theory and its application in Mexico. We look for correspondences as well as differences between the literature for developed countries and the Mexican reality (emerging market). We describe both the occurrence of turnovers and their effects on firm performance. We conclude that in Mexico there are very few turnovers, particularly because of the family structure of Mexican enterprises. In addition, these turnovers did not favor firm performance, at least in the short and medium terms.

Keywords : turnovers; corporate governance; firm performance; Mexico.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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