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Perfiles educativos

Print version ISSN 0185-2698


VILLALOBOS VERGARA, Paula Verónica; BARRIA-HERRERA, Pamela  and  DIAZ MEZA, Romina Estivalía. The Institutional Dimension of Resilience in Chilean Beginning Teachers During the Pandemic. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2024, vol.46, n.183, pp.76-93.  Epub Oct 07, 2024. ISSN 0185-2698.

Based on the contribution of teacher resilience to the retention of beginning teachers, the contribution of the institutional dimension to the resilience of beginning teachers in the context of a pandemic is analyzed. This is a multiple case study that uses a qualitative approach through interviews of critical incidents with 14 beginning teachers from the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile who work in public schools. The data were subjected to content analysis. The results show that teacher resilience is weakened by the lack of guidelines on pedagogical work, the low participation in decision-making about their work and the diffuse limit on the use of time provided by telework. Meanwhile, material support to promote the continuity of students in the educational process and the exercise of professional autonomy strengthen teacher resilience.

Keywords : Beginning teachers; teaching resilience; institutional dimension; remote teaching; COVID-19.

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