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vol.66 issue87Psychologism, Abstraction and Possibility in Husserl's Logical InvestigationsComplementing the Analysis: Psychological Concepts and Color Concepts author indexsubject indexsearch form
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BARCELO, Axel. A Summary of On Analysis. Diánoia [online]. 2021, vol.66, n.87, pp.101-108.  Epub Mar 14, 2022. ISSN 0185-2450.

Our customary way of thinking about conceptual analysis remains dominated by the metaphor of 'containment', which has certainly been very useful, but which also has important limitations. For example, it makes us think that the components of a concept must be, in some sense, contained in it or that the only way that two concepts can be related is if one contains the other. These limitations have not allowed us to account for concepts whose structure is not so simple, such as the concepts of color or measurement, among others. It is time, therefore, to overcome this metaphor and think of conceptual analysis not only as decomposition but also as the assignment of different functions to the components of a concept.

Keywords : concepts; structure; logical form; analyticity; colors.

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