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vol.59 issue72Implicit Definitions and Uniqueness in the Neologicist ProgramA Study on the Major Premise of the Kantian Cosmological Syllogism author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Print version ISSN 0185-2450


AGUSTIN PERKINS, Patricio. The Philosophical Relation Between Husserl and Avenarius in The Basic Problems of Phenomenology. Diánoia [online]. 2014, vol.59, n.72, pp.25-48. ISSN 0185-2450.

I study the philosophical relationship between Avenarius and Husserl during the years where the later held the lectures The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, taking especially into account the natural concept of the world. First, I expound briefly the basic phenomenological topics of the lectures: the natural concept of the world, the phenomenological reduction and the ego's unity. Second, I tackle the basic ideas of Avenarius' Der menschliche Weltbegriff (Human concept of the world). Third, I discuss the coincidence between Avenarius and Husserl, paying special attention to the primordial reduction, and also the objections that Husserl made to Avenarius, making a contrast between Avenarius' univocal approach to being and Husserl's phenomenological account.

Keywords : natural concept of the world; phenomenological reduction; primordial reduction; neutral monism.

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