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Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales

Print version ISSN 0185-1918


REVUELTAS, Eugenia. Evocations from the Eye of the Storm. Rev. mex. cienc. polít. soc [online]. 2018, vol.63, n.234, pp.377-394. ISSN 0185-1918.

This paper is a partial account, from July 24 to October the 2nd, of the 1968 Mexican student movement. This period is considered the first stage of the struggle. This writing interweaves factual description with documents from the period and subjective memories from the narrator’s point of view, derived from the consideration that a peculiar, insignificant fact such as a conflict between students of a high school and a vocational college, quickly evolved into a movement that stunned Mexican society, due to the necessary courage and conviction of justice and transformation shown by the young men and women, and the brutal violence used by the government to crush the rebellion.

Keywords : students; strike; violence; justice; freedom; Mexico.

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