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Geofísica internacional

On-line version ISSN 2954-436XPrint version ISSN 0016-7169


MELENDEZ-MARTINEZ, Jaime; NICOLAS-LOPEZ, Rubén  and  VALDIVIEZO-MIJANGOS, Oscar C.. Mineral Lithotype Identification on the Andrill AND-2A Drillcore, Antarctica by Using Ternary Mineral Rock Physics Templates built from a Self-Consistent Approach. Geofís. Intl [online]. 2022, vol.61, n.1, pp.40-54.  Epub Dec 02, 2022. ISSN 2954-436X.

In this work, wet bulk density ρWBD and compressional wave velocity VP core log data obtained along the AND-2A drillcore are plotted on density-velocity ternary mineral Rock Physics Templates (RPTs) built from a Self-Consistent (SC) micromechanics modelling with the purpose to determine data trends that allow us to assist in identifying mineral lithotypes and lithological features throughout the 1138 m length of the drillcore. The elastic properties of the three dominant minerals present in the drillcore (mixed clays, quartz, and calcite) and the pore-filling fluid (brine) were used as input data for the SC model. The interpreted lithology is then compared to that obtained from the analysis of the AND-2A drillcore ρWBD and VP log data using Gardner type density-velocity cross plots. Results from both the SC and Gardner methods are in good agreement with the main lithologies present in the AND-2A drillcore already reported in the scientific literature. Our findings also agree well when compared to the lithological description of six selected rock samples obtained at different depths on the AND-2A drillcore. These results suggest that the proposed SC approach could be helpful to assist to identify lithology in scientific drill holes where downhole elastic properties may exist over intervals where portions of the drillcore were not recovered. Furthermore, even when elastic property data sets come from measurements on cores, the SC approach is likewise useful because, from visual analysis alone, lithology can sometimes be difficult to determine, and additional information from the analysis of the elastic properties may provide more insight.

Keywords : rock physics templates; self-consistent method; Antarctic sediments; AND-2A drillcore and Gardner´s relationship.

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