ISSN 0185-3058
versión impresa



Guidelines for presenting manuscripts:


Nova Tellus publishes articles and scholarly notes in philology, as well as documents, reviews, bibliographical notices and announcements relating to classical Greek and Roman culture and its reception.


1. Articles and notes. Articles and notes must be scholarly studies that present an original argument by the author. These contributions must deal with Greco-Roman antiguity or its reception.

2. Documents. Documents are contributions that, because of their length or the brevity of the introductary essay, do not quite amount to a special study on their own. These may include:

a) scholarly transcriptions of manuscripts;

b) transcriptions and translations of printed works that are difficult to read or obtain; and

c) translations into Spanish with introductory comment.

3. Reviews and bibliographical notices. Book reviews should contain a description of contents, analysis, and an objective evaluation of the work under review, which may include a statement of the reviewer's own view. Bibliographical notices may take the form of short reviews, or may be simply informational in character.

4. Announcements. Announcements must refer to events relating to classical studies: conferences, colloquia, fellowship or other competitions, etc. III Editorial policy

5. Nova Tellus only accepts previously unpublished work.

6. Contributions are published chiefly in Spanish, English, French and Italian. This does not exclude, however, the possiblity of publication in other languages (e.g., German, Portuguese, Modern Greek).

7. All contributors must include their address, telephone number, fax, and e-mail address.

8. Contributions may be submitted to the Editor of Noua tellus or to any member of the Editorial Board.

9. There is no deadline for submitting materials. Those that are received between September and February will be considered for volume 1, and those received betwee March and August, for volume 2.

10. Nova Tellus accepts only contributions that are presented in the following form:

a) In final form, both in style and content.

b) Without question marks indicating still pending issues.

c) In a word–processor format that is compatible with Windows and Macintosh. Note: if Macintosh is used, Greek text must be in Athenian or Kadmos–Sal font.

d) Manuscripts that have been transcribed must be accompanied by a copy of the original, so that the Editorial Borad may judge the quality of the work.

e) If images are included, they must be submitted in a separate attachment, in JPG or TIFF format, with a resolution of 300 pixels per inch. The image should be accompanied by a brief and concise caption.

f) Articles and scholarly notes must be provided with an abstract: one in the language of the text and the other in English, each no more than 500 characters, including spaces.

g) The file for the text may be submitted on disk or be sent by e–mail.

11. Nova Tellus will publish a brief bio of contributors; authors must thus send, together with their contribution, a bio of no more than five lines, and which lists the highest academic degree and the place where it was obtained, and teaching and research positions, along with major publications.

12. In connection with scholarly articles, authors must read the proofs and give their final approval within 8 days. After this interval, it will be assumed that approval is given, if no problems remain; if they do, then publication will be postponed until they are resolved. Note: Corrections may be sent via email.

13. Nova Tellus will not accept major changes to the original on the basis of the proofs (see paragraph 10).

14. Authors have sole responsibility for the integrity of scholarly work published in Noua tellus.

15. For work published in Noua tellus to be reprinted elsewhere, the express permission of the Editorial Board is required.

Editorial Board

16. For a contribution to be published in Nova Tellus, it must be refereed by the Editorial Committee. Referee reports may arrive at one of the following recommendations:

a) Publishable without further revsion.

b) Publishable, on condition that revisions are made in accord with the recommendations of the Editorial Board.

c) Not publishable.

17. The Editorial Board meets in March and September to consider the referee reports for contributions received prior to those dates.

18. The referee reports, whether positive or negative, will be sent to the author of the submission.

19. The Editorial Board will at once hand over to the Editorial Secretary those contributions that have been accepted, with a view to preparing the volume for publication.

Editorial norms and conventions

20. Abbreviations. Abbreviations for ancient authors and works should conform to those employed in the most authoritative and widely known handbooks, for example The Oxford Classical Dictionary (Hammond and Scullard // Hornblower and Spawforth), The Oxford Latin Dictionary (Lewis and Short // Glare), A Greek-English Lexicon (Liddell and Scott), Thesaurus Linguae Latinae or Thesaurus Linguae Graecae; one should attempt not to mix styles of reference.

21. Standard abbreviations. Standard abbreviations, such as cf., id., ib., op. cit., s. v., vid., supra, infra, loc. cit., should not be in italics, so as to differentiate them from book titles and other highlighted terms.

22. Bibliographic references. Nova Tellus employs commas to separate items in bibliographical references: ancient name, surname(s), modern name(s), title of book, article, review, chapter, city, publisher, year, pages (p., pp.); the series is put in parentheses; in versales and versalitas, ancient name and surname; in quotations marks, the titles of articles and chapters; in italics, the name of journals and books; journals are not accompanied by place of publication or publisher's name. Examples:

BEUCHOT, Mauricio, Ensayos marginales sobre Aristóteles, México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios Clásicos, 22), 1985.

BEUCHOT, Mauricio, "Esencia y ser", Ensayos marginales sobre Aristóteles, México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios Clásicos, 22), 1985, pp. 15–38.

BEUCHOT, Mauricio, "Cicerón: entre el arte y la habilidad natural de la retórica", Nova Tellus, 13, 1995, pp. 58–69.

Note: Nova Tellus requires as a minimum an indication of the author, title, city, publisher, and year, although this is not meant to suggest that one need omit further details.

23. Footnotes. In the notes, Nova Tellus:

a) abbreviates bibliographical information; full details are given in the bibliography only;

b) standard abbreviations are not underlined or italicized;

c) authors' names are not put in caps or small caps;

d) leave a space after the first item in abbreviations such as op. cit., s. v.


1 Cf. Cic., Inv., II, xlii, 122.

One may omit the chapter number, as in the following:

2 Cf. Cic., Inv., II, 122.

3 See Beuchot, 1985, p. 25.

4 See Beuchot, 20042, p. 25.

In place of the year, one may cite a portion of the title, or just the author's name, as in the following:

5 See Beuchot, Ensayos marginales, pp. 15–38.

6 See Lewis and Short, s. v. penitus.


Send manuscripts:

Nova Tellus

Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n., Ciudad de la Investigación en Humanidades,
Ciudad Universitaria, Zona Cultural, Delegación Coyoacán,
México, Distrito Federal, México,
C.P. 04510, Phone: 5606 0804

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© 2011 Nova Tellvs Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas

Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n., Ciudad de la Investigación en Humanidades,
Ciudad Universitaria, Zona Cultural, Delegación Coyoacán, México, Distrito Federal, México,
Código Postal 04510, Tel.: 5606 0804