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Annals of Hepatology
versão impressa ISSN 1665-2681


Ann. Hepatol. vol.16 no.1 Ciudad de México Jan./Fev. 2017

 Comentarios de los editores
 ·  Celebrating Fifteen Years of Annals of Hepatology Publication: The International, Open Access, Clinical Journal Devoted to Liver Diseases
Teschke, Rolf; Yoshida, Eric M.; Méndez-Sánchez, Nahum

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 ·  Joint Society Statement for elimination of viral hepatitis
Brahm, Javier; Castera, Laurent; Hou, Jinlin; Lindor, Keith

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 ·  Ironing out Steatohepatitis
Subramaniam, V. Nathan

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 ·  Right Hepatic Lobe Resection and Thrombocytopenia
Adike, Abimbola; Rakela, Jorge; Czaplicki, Christopher; Moss, Adyr; Carey, Elizabeth

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 ·  A Summary of the 6th International Conference on Coagulation in Liver Disease: Discussion, Debate, Deliberations
Caldwell, Stephen; Intagliata, Nicolas

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 Puntos de vista
 ·  Ongoing Alcohol Consumptions Counteracts the Benefits of Sustained Virological Response in Patients with Well Compensated Hepatitis C Cirrhosis: an Observational Study
Hernaez, Ruben; El-Serag, Hashem

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 Reseña concisa
 ·  Association Between Hepatitis B Virus and Chronic Kidney Disease: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Fabrizi, Fabrizio; Donato, Francesca M.; Messa, Piergiorgio

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 ·  Management Strategies for Liver Fibrosis
Altamirano-Barrera, Alejandra; Barranco-Fragoso, Beatriz; Méndez-Sánchez, Nahum

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 Artículos originales
 ·  High Clinical Manifestation Rate in an Imported Outbreak of Hepatitis E Genotype 1 Infection in a German Group of Travellers Returning from India
Pischke, Sven; Schulze-zur-Wiesch, Julian; Lütgehetmann, Marc; Kreuels, Benno; Lueth, Stefan; Kapaun, Petra; Benten, Daniel; Schmiedel, Stefan; Sterneck, Martina; Lohse, Ansgar W.; Polywka, Susanne

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 ·  Effects of Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-12b Gene Polymorphisms on Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination
Youn Roh, Eun; Young Song, Eun; Hyun Yoon, Jong; Oh, Sohee; Young Chang, Ju; Park, Hyunwoong; Hyun Seo, Soo; Shin, Sue

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 ·  Daclatasvir Plus Asunaprevir Dual Therapy for Chronic HCV Genotype 1b Infection: Results of Turkish Early Access Program
Köklü, Seyfettin; Köksal, Iftihar; Salih Akarca, Ulus; Balkan, Ayhan; Güner, Rahmet; Demirezen, Aylin; Sahin, Memduh; Akhan, Sila; Ozaras, Resat; Idilman, Ramazan

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 ·  Differences in Hepatic Expression of Iron, Inflammation and Stress-Related Genes in Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Handa, Priya; Maliken, Bryan D.; Nelson, James E.; Hennessey, Kelly A.; Vemulakonda, L. Akhila; Morgan-Stevenson, Vicki; Dhillon, Barjinder K.; Gupta, Rohit; Yeh, Matthew M.; Kowdley, Kris V.

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 ·  Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir in Mono-and HIV-coinfected Patients with Recurrent Hepatitis C After Liver Transplant
Castells, Lluís; Llaneras, Jordi; Campos-Varela, Isabel; Bilbao, Itxarone; Crespo, Manel; Len, Oscar; Rodríguez-Frías, Francisco; Charco, Ramon; Salcedo, Teresa; Esteban, Juan Ignacio; Esteban-Mur, Rafael

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 ·  Conversion to Mycophenolate Mofetil Monotherapy in Liver Recipients: Calcineurin Inhibitor Levels are Key
Norero, Blanca; Serrano, Carolina A.; Sanchez-Fueyo, Alberto; Duarte, Ignacio; Torres, Javiera; Ocquetau, Mauricio; Barrera, Francisco; Arrese, Marco; Soza, Alejandro; Benítez, Carlos

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 ·  Sarcopenia Predicts Reduced Survival in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma at First Diagnosis
Begini, Paola; Gigante, Elia; Antonelli, Giulio; Carbonetti, Francesco; Iannicelli, Elsa; Anania, Giulia; Imperatrice, Barbara; Pellicelli, Adriano Maria; Delle Fave, Gianfranco; Marignani, Massimo

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 ·  Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in Cirrhosis- How Long to Treat?
Goyal, Omesh; Sidhu, Sandeep S.; Kishore, Harsh

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 ·  Utility and Safety of Tolvaptan in Cirrhotic Patients with Hyponatremia: a Prospective Cohort Study
Jia, Ji-Dong; Xie, Wen; Ding, Hui-Guo; Mao, Hua; Guo, Hui; Li, Yonggang; Wang, Xiaojin; Wang, Jie-Fei; Lu, Wei; Li, Cheng-Zhong; Mao, Yimin; Wang, Gui-Qiang; Gao, Yue-qiu; Wang, Bangmao; Zhang, Qin; Ge, Yan; Wai-Sun Wong, Vincent

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 ·  Intrahepatic, Perihilar and Distal Cholangiocarcinoma: Management and Outcomes
Waseem, David; Tushar, Patel

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 ·  Observational Cohort Study of Hepatic Encephalopathy After Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS)
Routhu, Michaela; Safka, Vaclav; Kumar Routhu, Sunil; Fejfar, Tomas; Jirkovsky, Vaclav; Krajina, Antonin; Cermakova, Eva; Hulek, Petr; Hosak, Ladislav

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 ·  Complications of Liver Resection in Geriatric Patients
Dedinská, Ivana; Laca, Ĺudovít; Miklušica, Juraj; Palkoci, Blažej; Skálová, Petra; Lauková, Slavomíra; Osinová, Denisa; Strmeňová, Simona; Janík, Ján; Mokáň, Marián

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 Imágenes en hepatología
 ·  Metastatic Lymphoepithelioma-like Hepatocellular Carcinoma: a Potential Diagnostic Pitfall and Demonstration of Pd-l1 Expression
Putra, Juan; Anderson, Todd A.; Roayaie, Sasan; Maeda, Miho; Thung, Swan N.

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 Casos clínicos
 ·  Acute Hepatitis E Mimicking a Flare of Disease in a Patient with Chronic Autoimmune Hepatitis
Calisti, Giorgio; Irish, Dianne N; Ijaz, Samreen; Tedder, Richard S; Moore, Kevin

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 ·  Graft Calcification Caused by a Torsion of the Hepatic Vein after a Living-Related Donor Liver Transplantation
Kuo-Shyang, Jeng; Chun-Chieh, Huang; Cheng-Kuan, Lin; Chien-Chu, Lin; Kuo-Hsin, Chen

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 Carta al editor
 ·  Hispanic Ethnicity is Associated with Increased Morbidity and Mortality in Patients with Alcoholic Liver Disease
Sy, Alexander M.; Ching, Rafael; Olivares, Gonzalo; Vinas, Carlos; Chang, Ruth; Bergasa, Nora V.

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