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Inter disciplina

On-line version ISSN 2448-5705Print version ISSN 2395-969X

Inter disciplina vol.8 n.21 Ciudad de México May./Aug. 2020  Epub Aug 14, 2020




The journal INTER DISCIPLINA formalizes with this delivery a deserved tribute to one of the most multifaceted thinkers of our civilization: Leonardo da Vinci. On May 2, 2019, 500 years had passed since his death, which occurred in the castle of Clos-Lucé, near Amboise, in France. Mournful anniversaries are always an opportunity to assess the scope and immanence of the legacy of those who accomplish them. Being on this occasion half a millennium, the time was offered and was used worldwide for an extraordinary tribute.

Mexico was not the exception. The UNAM developed a prodigal set of actions that included a series of conferences, initiated on May 2 in the Jorge Carpizo Amphitheater of the Coordination of Humanities. A good part of the participants belonged to our house of studies, but also contributed several specialists in the work of Florentine genius from other countries.

The dossier of this issue is basically formed by works forged in the light of the debate that took place at that event. It also includes an interview, conducted by the editor of the journal to Professor Damiano Iacobone, professor of architecture of the Polytechnic of Milan and renowned specialist in the work of Leonardo. The book review is this time about the recent work: Leonardo da Vinci: A closer look by Alan Donnithorne. In it, more than 600 documents belonging to the Florentine genius are analyzed through modern scientific techniques such as optical microscopy, infrared and ultraviolet studies, multispectral representation, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence. As a curious fact, it is shown in this work the finding of a fingerprint by Leonardo on the edges of one of the pages he dedicated to the anatomy of women.

The Editor

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