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Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias

On-line version ISSN 2448-6698Print version ISSN 2007-1124

Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias vol.11 n.3 Mérida Jul./Sep. 2020  Epub Feb 05, 2021 


Seroprevalence of viral agents of the Bovine Respiratory Complex in Creole breeds of the Turipaná Research Center of AGROSAVIA

Matiluz Doria-Ramosa  * 

Teresa Oviedo-Socarrasb 

Misael Oviedo-Pastranaa 

Diego Ortiz-Ortegac 

a Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA, Centro de investigación Turipaná, Km 13 vía Montería. Cereté, Córdoba, Colombia.

b Universidad de Córdoba. Facultad Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Departamento de Ciencias Pecuarias. Montería, Colombia.

c Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA. Centro de Investigación Tibaitatá, Mosquera-Cundinamarca. Colombia.


A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in order to determine the prevalence and epidemiological factors associated with viral diseases of the Bovine Respiratory Complex (BRC) in Creole breeds of the Turipaná Research Center - AGROSAVIA (Colombia). A total of 403 cattle of the Romosinuano breed and 445 of Horned Coastal Creole cattle (CCC, Spanish acronym) breeds were evaluated. The presence of antibodies for bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), parainfluenza-3 (PI3) and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) was determined through the indirect ELISA technique. The prevalences were estimated, and the associations between the viral agents and the variables of sex, age, herd type and breed were evaluated. The Chi-square test was applied with a level of 5% significance and the effect of the association was determined by the Odds Ratio (OR). A logistic regression model was constructed to explain the most prevalent disease. The mean prevalences in both breeds were: BVD (33.02 %), BRSV (18.51 %), IBR (12.85 %) and PI3 (11.20 %); however, individually, the CCC breed had a higher prevalence for all diseases. The regression model showed an association between DVB, IBR and PI3, sex, age, females of more than 1 year of age, and the CCC breed. In order to address the diseases of the BRC, it is recommend actions with an emphasis on the control and prevention of BVD and deeper studies to understand the dynamics and co-endemicity of the BVD, IBR, BRSV and PI3 in the breeds studied.

Key words Seroprevalence; Bovine respiratory complex; Bovine respiratory disease; Romosinuano; Horned Coastal Creole


Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal para determinar la prevalencia y factores epidemiológicos asociados con las enfermedades virales del Complejo Respiratorio Bovino (CRB) en razas criollas del Centro de Investigación Turipaná - AGROSAVIA (Colombia). Se evaluaron 403 bovinos de la raza Romosinuano y 445 Costeño con Cuernos (CCC). A través de la técnica de ELISA indirecta se determinó la presencia de anticuerpos para diarrea viral bovina (DVB), rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina (IBR), parainfluenza-3 (PI3) y virus sincitial respiratorio bovino (BRSV). Se obtuvieron las prevalencias y se evaluó la asociación entre los agentes virales y entre estos con las variables sexo, edad, tipo de hato y raza; la prueba de Ji-cuadrada se aplicó con un nivel de significancia del 5% y el efecto de la asociación fue determinado por la razón de probabilidades (OR). se constituyó un modelo de regresión logística para explicar la enfermedad más prevalente. Las prevalencias medias en las dos razas fueron: DVB (33.02 %), BRSV (18.51 %), IBR (12.85 %) y PI3 (11.20 %); sin embargo, individualmente, la raza CCC presentó mayor prevalencia para todas las enfermedades. El modelo de regresión mostró una asociación entre DVB, IBR y PI3, las variables sexo, edad, hembras con más de 1 año de edad y la raza CCC. Para abordar las enfermedades del CRB, se recomiendan acciones con énfasis en el control y prevención de DVB y estudios más profundos para entender la dinámica y co-endemicidad de la DVB, IBR, BRSV y PI3 en las razas estudiadas.

Palabras clave Seroprevalencia; Complejo respiratorio bovino; Enfermedad respiratoria bovina; Romosinuano; Costeño con Cuernos


Bovine respiratory complex (BRC) diseases are one of the main causes of economic losses in livestock farms1. These losses are ascribed to decreased production efficiency, treatment costs, increased labor and death of animals due to pneumonia2. The development of BRC is associated with environmental factors (management, stress and feeding), individual-specific factors (age, body condition and immunity), and the action of infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, and parasites)1. Viral agents associated with BRC diseases include the IBR, PI3, BRSV and BVD viruses3.

Respiratory disease occurs when a pathogenic virus infects the host and allows opportunistic bacteria, normally present in the upper respiratory tract, to invade the lungs and cause severe pneumonia and death. These bacteria include Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica, Mycoplasma bovis, and Histophilus somni1.

Epidemiological studies in the municipality of Montería, department of Córdoba, Colombia, determined the seroprevalence of viruses associated with BRC, the percentages being 74.7 % for IBR4, 29.4 % for BVD5, 13.5 % for PI-36, and 13 % for BRSV7.

The aim of this study was to analyze the presence of the BVD, IBR, PI3, and BRSV viruses involved in the BRC diseases and the associated epidemiological factors in the two Creole bovine breeds at the Turipaná Research Center of AGROSAVIA, in the municipality of Cereté, Córdoba.

Material and methods

Study site

The study was conducted at the research center, located at 8°50’79” N and -75°47’58” W, in the municipality of Cereté, department of Córdoba, Colombia. The area is classified as dry tropical forest; it is located an altitude of 14 m asl, and has an average temperature of 27.5 oC, a relative humidity of 81 %, and an average annual precipitation of 1,340 mm, 85 % of which falls between the months of April and November8.

Type of study and sample size

A cross-sectional descriptive epidemiological study was conducted on all animals of the two Creole breeds, Romosinuano (403 animals) and Horned Coastal Creole (CCC), 445 animals, at the Turipaná research center in AGROSAVIA. The study was conducted from May to October, 2016.

Sample processing

After disinfection of the area, 5 ml of blood was collected from the coccygeal vein, in Vacutainer® tubes without anticoagulant. Samples were marked with the animal number and date of collection and stored at 4oC. They were then centrifuged at 3,500 rpm during 5 min in order to obtain serum, and subsequently placed in vials and stored at -20 oC until further analysis. They were processed in the laboratory at the Tibaitatá research center of AGROSAVIA, in the department of Cundinamarca, using commercial ELISA test kits (Synbiotics® for BVD and IBR, Biox Prionics® for BRSV and PI3), following the manufacturers’ recommendations.

Data analysis

The prevalence study was accompanied by an epidemiological survey aimed at determining factors that may be associated with the pathologies under study -such as sex, breed (Romosinuano and CCC), age (<1 year and >1 year), and herd type (Germplasm Bank and Genetic Improvement)- were analyzed. These factors were associated in a univariate way with the (positive or negative) serological results of each one of the studied infectious agents; the Chi-square statistic and a significance level of 0.05 were applied; additionally, probability ratio measures were determined. Finally, a logistic regression model was constructed to explain the correlation between the factors and diseases studied; as a response variable, the disease with the highest prevalence was selected. Data were analyzed using the EpiInfo® software.

Results and discussion

The BVD, IBR, PI3 and BRSV viruses, which are part of the BRC complex, have been reported in different cattle farms in Colombia. However, this study is the first one that seeks to determine their prevalence in the Romosinuano and CCC creole breeds. These breeds are claimed to be resistant and well adapted to the ecological conditions of the low tropics on the northern coast of Colombia9,10. However, both exhibited seroprevalence for the four viral diseases of the BRC, with CCC being the most susceptible (Table 1). The virus with the greatest presence in both races was the BVD virus, with a prevalence rate of 33.60 %, followed by the BRSV, with almost half the percentage (18.51 %), while the agents with the least presence were IBR and PI3, with prevalence rates of 12.8 % and 11.20 %, respectively.

Table 1 Seroprevalence of BRC viral diseases in the races of the Turipaná Research Center (%) 

Disease Variables Categories n+ n- Seroprevalence
DVB Breed Romosinuano 100 303 24.81
CCC 185 265 40.45
BRSV Breed Romosinuano 60 343 14.89
CCC 97 348 21.80
IBR Breed Romosinuano 47 356 11.66
CCC 62 383 13.93
PI3 Breed Romosinuano 29 374 7.20
CCC 66 379 14.83

As in this study, a high seroprevalence for BVD has been confirmed in other regions of Colombia; a previous study in the municipality of Montería reported 29.5 % seropositivity6, and another study carried out in the department of Cesar obtained results of 46 %11.

BRSV is believed to be prevalent in cattle populations worldwide. Studies on this virus in animals with a history of infertility in Montería yielded seroprevalences of 13 %5, and of 31 % in newborn calves12. In England, 83 % of cattle have antibodies, and in the United States, this is implicated in more than 50 % or respiratory diseases among fattening cattle13.

The prevalence of IBR in cattle has been reported historically in several regions of Colombia. In 1982, seropositivity was found to be 51.7 % in the Caribbean region; 21.5%, in the Andean region, and 20.6% in the Pie de Monte Llanero region14. Recently, prevalences of 55.5% were reported in the Magdalena region15, and of 35.65 % in the municipality of Toca - Boyacá16. Among the reports analyzed17, the highest seroprevalences for this virus have been reported in the municipality of Montería, where the seroprevalence in females with a history of infertility was 74.7 %4, and 60 % in newborn calves12; in the department of Antioquia, a prevalence of 68.9 %18 was reported in the Creole White Black-eared breed. Seroprevalences of 44.6 % were found in Argentina2 and 81.8 % in Peru19.

Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5 show the univariate analysis of the factors studied on the different BRC diseases. The greater susceptibility of females to BRC diseases could be explained as a consequence of the high number of handlings carried out on females, due to a greater productive and reproductive demand. Factors associated with milking, artificial insemination and embryo transfer are considered to be stress factors that may render the females more susceptible to disease than the males20.

Table 2 Univariate analysis of factors associated with BVDV in the Creole cattle herd at the Turipaná Research Centre in Corpoica 

Variables Categories n+ n- P-value O.R. 95% CI
Lower Higher
Sex Male 41 232 <0.001 4.025 2.776 5.833
Female 239 336
Age ˂ 1 year 47 185 <0.001 2.395 1.672 3.430
˃ 1 year 233 383
Herd Genetic
11 71 <0.001 3.493 1.819 6.706
269 497
Breed Romosinuano 100 303 <0.001 2.058 1.532 2.763

Table 3 Univariate analysis of factors associated with IBR virus in the Creole cattle herd of the Turipaná Research Center of AGROSAVIA 

Variables Categories n+ n- P-value O.R. 95% CI
Lower Higher
Sex Male 26 247 0.045 1.602 1.005 2.554
Female 83 492
Age ˂ 1 year 37 195 0.098 0.698 0.454 1.071
˃ 1 year 72 544
Herd Genetic
11 71 0.873 0.946 0.484 1.849
98 668
Breed Romosinuano 47 356
CCC 62 383 0.324 1.226 0.817 1.839

Table 4 Univariate analysis of factors associated with the VHL in the Creole cattle herd of the Turipaná Research Center of Corpoica 

Variables Categories n+ n- P-value O.R. 95% CI C
Lower Higher
Sex Male 36 237 0.005 1.754 1.171 2.627
Female 121 454
Age ˂ 1 year 50 182 0.162 0.765 0.525 1.115
˃ 1 year 107 509
Herd Genetic
19 63 0.253 0.728 0.422 1.256
138 628
Breed Romosinuano 60 343 0.009 1.593 1.117 2.272
CCC 97 348

Table 5 Univariate analysis of factors associated with the PI3 virus in the Creole cattle herd at the Turipaná Research Center in Corpoica 

Variables Categories n+ n- P-value O.R. 95% CI
Lower Higher
Sex Male 9 264 <0.001 5.158 2.554 10.417
Female 86 489
Age ˂ 1 year 10 222 0.000 3.554 1.812 6.971
˃ 1 year 85 531
Herd Genetic
1 81 0.002 11.330 1.558 8.237
94 672
Breed Romosinuano 29 374 <0.001 2.245 1.418 3.555
CCC 66 379

Age was positively associated with BVD and PI3, with animals aged >1 year being most affected (2.39 and 3.55 times, respectively). Although cattle are susceptible to BVD infection at all ages, animals older than one year are more likely to be seropositive. This is probably due to decreased passive immunity resulting from maternal antibodies and from a longer exposure time to the pathogens involved in the disease21.

The herd type was also associated with BVD and PI3. In this sense, the Germplasm Bank herd was more affected than that of the breeding program (3.49 and 11.33 times for BVD and PI3, respectively). The higher susceptibility of the cattle in the Germplasm Bank may be accounted for by the higher population density in this group, which favors the aerogenic dispersion of these viruses; the higher humidity in the pastures used by these animals is another factor that favors the occurrence of the disease22.

The univariate analysis showed a statistical association between the race variable and BVD, RSV and PI3 viruses, with CCC being the most seropositive to these three infectious agents, compared to the Romosinuano breed. The CCC was 2.05 times more seropositive for BVD, 1.59 times more seropositive for BRSV, and 2.24 times more seropositive for PI3. However, multivariate analysis only revealed a statistically significant association between CCC and BVD (OR= 1.845, 95 % CI = 1.349-2.523, P<0.001). There are no studies that demonstrate that the CCC breed has a higher exposure to these infectious agents than Romosinuano. Therefore, this study suggests conducting specific immunological studies in order to further research breed-specific susceptibility to these diseases.

BVD and PI3 viruses were the only infectious agents that presented a statistical association with all the variables studied. However, since BVD was more frequent in the studied herds, the logistic regression model for viral diseases of the BRD complex was based on BVD.

The logistic regression model (Table 6) showed that BVD has an association with female sex, animals aged over one year, and the CCC breed, suggesting that these factors may significantly contribute to the development of these infections. The association between BVD, IBR and PI3 was also demonstrated. IBR-positive animals are 3.04 times more likely to have BVD, while PI3-positive animals are 3.81 times more likely. However, given the type of serological diagnosis and because this is a cross-sectional study, it is not possible to detect a causal relationship between the three diseases or to evaluate a time sequence in their occurrence. Although the final model showed epidemiological relevance, the log-likelihood and Hosmer-Lemeshow statistics indicated a poor model fit. Nevertheless, variable elimination was not considered because all the variables left in the final model have epidemiological significance, as confirmed by the univariate statistics. Further epidemiological studies on these issues are required.

Table 6 Logistic regression model for BRC diseases, based on the BVD virus 

Variables Categories P-value O.R. 95% CI
Lower Higher
Sex Male <0.001 3.833 2.587 5.678
Age ˂ 1 year <0.002 1.871 1.262 2.773
˃ 1 year
Breed Romosinuano <0.001 2.564 1.846 3.561
IBR Negative
<0.001 3.045 1.659 5.589
PI3 Negative
<0.001 3.811 1.966 7.386

Conclusions and implications

In conclusion, all the main viral agents involved in the BRD complex are present in the Creole livestock of the Turipaná Research Center. An action plan is recommended to control and prevent these diseases at the research center, with an emphasis on the control and prevention of BVD. In addition, further follow-up studies are required in order to understand the dynamics and co-endemicity processes of the BVD, IBR, BRSV and PI3 viruses in the Romosinuano and CCC breeds.


The authors would like to thank the National System of Germplasm Banks for Food and Agriculture (Sistema de Bancos de Germoplasma de la Nación para la Alimentación y la Agricultura, SBGNAA), based at the Turipaná Research Center of AGROSAVIA, for allowing access to the cattle used in this research.


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Received: November 20, 2018; Accepted: September 23, 2019

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The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.

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