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Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias

On-line version ISSN 2448-6698Print version ISSN 2007-1124

Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias vol.7 n.2 Mérida Apr./Jun. 2016



Rain water harvesting and soil moisture retention in the establishment of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.)

Adriana Cruz Martíneza 

Aurelio Pedroza Sandovala  * 

Ricardo Trejo Calzadaa 

Ignacio Sánchez Cohenb 

José Alfredo Samaniego Gaxiolac 

Ramón Hernández Salgadoa 

aUnidad Regional Universitaria de Zonas Áridas de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Km 38.5 Carretera Gómez Palacio-Cd. Juárez, Chihahua, México.

bCentro Nacional de Investigación Disciplinaria en Relación Agua, Suelo, Planta, Atmósfera, INIFAP. México.

cCentro de Investigación Regional Norte Centro, INIFAP. México.


Drylands are of high ecological vulnerability due to low vegetative cover and erratic and torrential rainfalls. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of different sources and rates of soil moisture retainers in the establishment of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L) in a micro watershade system of rainwater. A randomized block design with three replications was used. Four hydrogel doses: 0, 5, 10 and 15 kg ha-1 and two vermicompost doses: 0 and 40 t ha-1, were tested. The dose effect of the hydrogel was independent of vermicompost dose effect, on soil moisture retention and the growth and development of the plant. The soil moisture values when 5, 10 and 15 kg hydrogel ha-1 were applied (25, 23.2 and 23.4 %, respectively) were higher (P≤0.05), than the control (17.5 %) 241 d after sowing (das). However, there were not statistical differences among doses of hydrogel other than the control. A similar effect was found at 346 das; but not to 372 das, where the effect was lost. Plant emergency was significantly higher (47.7 %) when 15 kg ha-1 of hydrogel were applied, compared to the control (29 %) (P≤0.05). Plant height and weight of dry matter and a higher photosynthetic activity were significantly greater in treatments with hydrogel than in the control; there were not statistical differences among doses. Finally, the application of 40 t ha-1 vermicompost significantly increased the moisture content in the soil and a higher amount of buffel grass dry matter.

Key words: Soil moisture; Rainwater; Grass; Forage


Este estudio se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de diferentes fuentes y dosis de retenedores de humedad edáfica, en el establecimiento de pasto buffel (Cenchrus ciliaris L) en un sistema de microcuencas captadoras de agua de lluvia. Se evaluaron cuatro dosis de hidrogel: 0, 5, 10 y 15 kg ha-1 y dos dosis de vermicoposta: 0 y 40 t ha-1. El efecto de la dosis de hidrogel fue independiente del efecto de la dosis de vermicomposta, respecto a la retención de humedad en el suelo y el crecimiento y desarrollo de la planta. A los 241 días después de la siembra (dds), el contenido de humedad edáfica fue mayor (P≤0.05) cuando se aplicaron 5, 10, y 15 kg ha-1, con valores de 25, 23.2 y 23.4 %, respectivamente, sin diferencia estadística entre dosis, pero sí con el testigo (17.5 %). A los 346 dds, se observó un efecto similar, el cual se pierde a los 372 dds; en tanto que la emergencia de plántulas fue significativamente mayor (47.7 %) cuando se aplicaron 15 kg ha-1 de hidrogel, respecto al testigo (29 %) (P≤0.05). La altura de planta y el peso de materia seca, así como la actividad fotosintética, fueron significativamente mayores al testigo, cuando se aplicó el hidrogel en cualquiera de las dosis. Finalmente, la aplicación de 40 t ha-1 de vermicomposta, incrementó significativamente el contenido de humedad en el suelo y produjo una mayor cantidad de materia seca de pasto buffel.

Palabras clave: Humedad edáfica; Agua de lluvia; Pasto; Forraje


Mexico has Class B arid environments covering more than 50 % of its territorial expanse with varying degrees of aridity and high environmental impact risk due to shortage of water resources1. Water management in these regions includes using rainwater capture systems, efficient irrigation methods, as well as techniques of soil moisture retention and the use of genetic materials tolerant to water stress2,3,4. Micro-basin catchments systems to capture rainwater, are becoming an increasingly widespread alternative in arid regions. Micro catchments are usually used in conjunction with ancillary techniques such as tillage and soil moisture conservation practices, among others.

The advantage of the micro catchment rainwater techniques, is that it provides the possibility of combining conservation of soil moisture with events of torrential rainfall and high runoff, and thus provide better control of erosion. Micro-basins are spatial units of various sizes, the smallest can be from 1 m2 to larger, as required by specific conditions, which rely primarily on the hydrological concept of land division. The processes associated with water resources, such as runoff, water erosion and sediment yield, are normally discussed in these types of spatial units. According to the Manual of collection and use of rainwater5, micro catchment techniques involve: soil conservation; increasing the availability of water for crops; mitigating effects of drought and improving the ecological landscape.

The establishment of plant species, both native and introduced grasses, is an alternative that contributes to the regeneration process, avoiding the loss of soil from erosion, and promoting moisture retention in the soil. If the application of soil moisture retainers as well as contributors of nutrients are added during the establishment of vegetation, the effect of water capture in micro-basins can be enhanced. In particular, vermicompost provides great benefits to agricultural crops, as well as promoting greater retention of moisture in the soil, the humus obtained at the end of the composting process helps the formation of bacteria essential for facilitating nitrogen fixation; thus accelerates root development and flowering and ripening processes of the crops; fulvic and humic acids provide a lot of nutrients that can be assimilated immediately by the plant and persist up to five years in soil; and they contain a high microbacterial load (40 billion g-1 dry soil), which encourages biodynamic activity and improves the organoleptic characteristics of the plants, flowers and fruits6. Another alternative is the use of synthetic moisture retainers called polyacrylamide copolymers, which when added to the soil absorb and retain large amounts of moisture and nutrients, keeping them available for the plant7.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of different dosages of hydrogel and vermicompost on soil moisture retention and the establishment of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliiaris L.) in rainwater micro-basin capturing systems that are in calcareous soils with low vegetation cover.


The study was conducted in the municipality of Mapimi, in the state of Durango, Mexico, located at 25° 52' 23.65" N and 103° 43' 41.74" W, at an altitude of 1,171 m. It has a BWhw(e) climate, which corresponds to a very arid, semiarid with summer rains and extreme temperature ranges. The annual average rainfall is 240 mm and annual evaporation is 1,898 mm. The maximum monthly average temperature is 36.3 °C and the average monthly minimum temperature is 2.8 °C8. The soil where the experiment was carried out are calcareous topsoils with 13 % total carbonate (CaCO3), pH 8.2, relatively poor in organic matter with a value less than 2.3 % and of a clay loam texture9.

Experimental design

The experimental design involved using a randomized block with three repetitions. Four dosages of hydrogel were tested: 0, 5, 10 and 15 kg ha-1 as well as two vermicompost dosages: 0 and 40 t ha-1 based on dry weight, corresponding to a 4x2 factorial, with 8 repeat treatments. The experimental unit was a micro-basin of 2 m2 (2 m long x 1 m wide), built with machinery. The 8 treatments of each repetition were randomized in a north-south direction, with three rows for the three repetitions (one per repetition) with a distance of 4 m between rows and 4 m between each micro-basin within each row. In the center of each micro-basin, three plants were randomly selected that intercepts a 30 cm transect along the length of the micro-basin. From these plants, growth and development measurements were obtained.

The vermicompost was obtained from composting action of the Californian red worm (Eisenia fetida) processed at the University of Arid Zones Regional Unit of the Autonomous University of Chapingo with a predetermined nutritional content10. The hydrogel used was a granulated commercial product, which had a dry matter content of 85 to 90 %, bulk density of 0.85 g ml-1, specific gravity of 1.10 g cm-3, and pH of 8.1. The product has an absorption maximum of 150 times its own volume and retention capacity of 980 ml water L-1, with an availability of 95 % and a productive life of 5 yr. Dosages that are recommended are 5 to 25 kg ha-1, depending on the type of soil, crop and climate7.

Once micro-basins were built with use of pick and shovel, it was made a 20 cm bed floor where the vermicompost was mixed manually in the corresponding dosages per experimental unit. Later, grasses were planted simultaneously with the application of the hydrogel. The first at a density of 150 seeds m-2 and second, corresponding to the dosage: 0, 5, 10 or 15 kg ha-1. For this exercise, a rake was used to remove the surface layer of soil, then the seed and hydrogel were "scattered", trying to leave the seed and hydrogel slightly covered by a thin layer of moist soil not more than 5 cm after raking. The experiment was begun on June 21st, 2012 and evaluations were conducted during 2012 and 2013.


Soil moisture content (%) at a depth of 20 cm were measured at different times: 14th and 29th of August and on the 4th and 19th of December 2012, corresponding to 84, 99, 196 and 211 d after planting (dap), average readings were taken by measuring three sites within the micro-basin (two at the extreme ends and a site in the middle along the rectangle) by using a moisture analyzer Brand Lutron Model PMS-714, with real-time digital measurement readout. Percentage of seedling emergence of grass seedlings were obtained by counting germinated seeds, dividing the value by the total of seeds sown per unit area (m2) 10 d after planting, multiplied by 100. Plant height (cm) was measured for three plants in each micro-basin, with use of tape graduated in centimeters. Coverage area was recorded by using a 1 m2 square decimeter graded mesh. Vigor, specifically referring to the condition of relative plant turgidity, on a scale of 0 to 5, where 0 corresponded to the plant almost wilting and 5 to a turgid plant and the other correspond to intermediate values. The last four variables were measured six times on different dates: 4th of September, 10th of October, and the 25th of November 2012, and corresponded to 74, 110 and 156 dap, and on the 29th of May, 11th of September and the 7th of October 2013, which corresponded to 241, 346 and 372 dap, respectively; while the dry matter in g m-2 oven-dried to a constant weight was measured only once at 241 dap. Additionally, in the first week of November 2013 photosynthesis was measured in units of mmol m-2 s-1, conductance in mol m-2 s-1 and transpiration in mmol H2O m-2 s-1, using an Infrared gas analyzer IRGA (for its acronym in English) Model LI-6400. For this end, leaf readings were taken from the upper middle third from each plant, in each of the micro-basins.

Data processing

SAS version 9.0 package was used for analysis of variance and Tukey mean multiple range test to determine the effect of treatments, and regression analysis to identify the rate of plant growth. Additionally, an analysis of variance and regression and multiple range test of means was carried out by sampling dates by arranging data in plots as a function of time11. To do so, this technique averages the values of the first variation factors arising in the study (dosage of hydrogel and dosage of vermicompost) and then they are classified by repetition and sampling date.


The low rainfall recorded in 2012 and 2013 in the area where this study was conducted, corresponds to 196 and 199.8 mm, respectively, which is below the annual regional average of 240 mm8 estimated negative impact from the point of view of agriculture and forestry, particularly on native vegetation, such as with grasses and other plant species that are part of the diet of grazing cattle12. During this evaluation phase, albeit with some degree of variability, some trends of treatment were identified, similar to that reported in other study, but in conditions of high rainfall when growing Brachiaria spp13. According to the analysis of variance and multiple range mean Tukey test (P≤0.05) there was no interaction effect between the two factors of variation tested in this study (dosage of hydrogel and dosage of vermicompost), thus the database was analyzed for variation factors independently.

Moisture content in soil

At 241 dap (29 May, 2013), the moisture content was significantly higher (P<0.05), and then decreased at 346 dap (September 11) and 372 dap (October 7), with average values of 22.5, 16.8 and 8.2 %, respectively (Figure 1). This trend is related to precipitation events during May and June, followed by a period of drought during July and August, which is accompanied by a significant lack of rainfall14. Although there was no significant difference in precipitation between 2012 and 2013, that the grass was already established the previous year, allowed for a greater expression of treatments applied to the micro-basins in 2013. Although the curve declined and showed significant differences at all three sampling dates, the soil moisture content was always higher (P<0.05) when the hydrogel was applied at least for the first two sampling times (241 and 346 dap), with values on the first date (241 dap) of 25, 23.2 and 23.4 % when applying 5, 10 and 15 kg ha-1, respectively, vs 17.5 % in the control. A similar pattern was observed in the second sampling date (346 dap); while at 372 dap, the effect of moisture retention ceased to manifest itself, where different dosages of hydrogel were equal to the control (P>0.05) (Figure 2). This means that after about 5.23 mo (157 d after the first sample) without a significant rain event, the effect of soil moisture retention of the hydrogel is diluted, as soil moisture approaches the wilting point. Based on the above, the effect of the hydrogel was identified, at least in the first two samples in any of the dosages tested, indicating that the product has benefits from 5 to 10 kg ha-1, without applying higher dosages. This is partially agreed with what Idrobo et al15 identified, where they assessed dosages of 0, 20, 30 and 40 g of hydrogel in 130 g of sand in each treatment, finding that with higher dosages of hydrogel they obtained better moisture retention effect, at least in the dosages used in their study. There was no consistent effect when vermicompost was applied.

abc Values with different letters are different (P<0.05).

Figure 1 Soil moisture content at different sampling dates in days after planting (2013) 

dap = days after planting.

abc Values with different letters in the same line, are different (P<0.05).

Figure 2 Soil moisture content with different dosages of hydrogel and sampling dates (2013) 

Seedling emergence, growth and plant development

Seedling emergence was 47.7 %, when 15 kg ha-1 of hydrogel was applied, compared to 29 % for the control (P<0.05), which was higher by 18.7 %. The dosages of 5 and 10 kg ha-1, had intermediate values, with no statistical difference compared to the control (Figure 3). Although the lowest dosage (5 kg ha-1) tends to manifest an effect, it fails to differentiate itself from the control, and when applying 10 kg, a lack of an effect was confirmed since measured values are closer to the control. This can be considered contradictory, since with increasing dosages of 5-10 kg hydrogel, should confirm the effect of soil moisture retention and therefore have a greater impact on seedling emergence; nevertheless, the opposite was found, there was a decrease in the effect, which could be interpreted as a lack of consistency in response effect, which already manifests in a defined manner by applying 15 kg, with a significantly greater effect in terms of seedling emergence based on seed germination, which in previous laboratory evaluation was on average 92.5 %. The above results are consistent with those reported by Rojas et al16 regarding the use of hydrogel as soil moisture retainer, it has a positive effect on the capacity of germination of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)16. The dosages of 5 and 10 kg hydrogel used in this study were less expressive and inconsistent in seedling emergence, which could mean that at this stage of seed germination of buffel grass high moisture content is required in the soil, which is expressed to a dose of 15 kg. There was no effect with the vermicompost on seed germination of grasses.

ab Values with different letters between columns are different (P<0.05).

Figure 3 Effect of hydrogel dosages on germination percentage of buffel grass in rainwater capturing watersheds during August, 2012 

Even with the low rainfall regime in 2012 and the absence of treatment effect on the moisture content in the soil, it was identified that the growth of buffel grass remained constant, with significant growth in each evaluation date, at an exponential rate of 1.7 units per unit time (Figure 4A). This is an indicator of the high adaptability of this forage species, even in drought years17,18. A similar behavior was observed with pasture development during 2013, with an exponential growth rate of 1.5 (Figure 4B).

abc Values with different letter are different (P<0.05).

Figure 4 Growth of buffel grass in rainwater capturing watersheds, at different evaluation times during 2012 (A) and 2013 (B) 

The height of the plant was significantly higher (P<0.05) at 241 dap in either dosages of hydrogel, without any statistical difference between them, but statistically different from the control, with an average of 44.7 cm for the first and 34.6 cm for the second; consequently the dry matter weight behaved very similarly, significantly higher compared to any dosages of hydrogel with an average of 108.2 g m-2, vs 81.7 g m-2 for the control.

There was no significant difference in plant coverage and vigor in terms of hydrogel dosages (Table 1). This means that, under this system for capturing rainwater, soil moisture is retained by the hydrogel, affecting greater plant height and weight of dry matter; although it is not reflected both in terms of coverage and plant vigor. This is in line with that reported by Beltran et al19 where they indicate that applying water conservation practices increased soil infiltration and thus productivity in rangeland sites.

Table 1 Effect of hydrogel dosages on variables of growth and development of buffel grass in rainwater capturing watersheds at 241 d after planting 

Hydrogel dosage (kg ha-1) Coverage (%) Vigor (0-5) Plant height (cm) Dry matter (g m-2)
0 66.8 a 2.8 a 34.6 b 81.7 b
5 68.1 a 2.5 a 42.8 ab 96.5 ab
10 58.7 a 2.5 a 49.7 a 108.3 ab
15 67.0 a 2.6 a 41.8 ab 119.8 a

ab Values with different letters within the same column are different (P<0.05).

For this same sampling date and in relation to the effect of vermicompost, no statistical difference was identified in terms of coverage, vigor and plant height, although in terms of dry matter 125.1 g m-2 was obtained by applying vermicompost, compared to 88.8 g m-2 obtained in the control, 28.9 % more for the first compared to the second (Table 2). The effect of vermicompost was less consistent in relation to the hydrogel, especially in plant responses, without showing the benefits that are attributed to this component20.

Table 2 Effect of dosages of vermicompost on soil moisture content and variables of growth and development of buffel grass at 241 d after planting 

Vermicompost dosages(t ha-1) Soil moisture content (%) Coverage (% m-2) Vigor (0-5) Height of plant (cm) Dry matter (g m-2)
0 21.5 b 28.7 a 2.8 a 39.5 a 88.8 b
40 24.7 a 36.8 a 2.6 a 45.6 a 125.1 a

ab Values with different letters within the same column are different (P<0.05).

According to the results obtained, the development of buffel grass depends largely on the amount water retained in the ground, the latter is affected by the rate of evaporation due to high temperatures21. From the foregoing, it follows that hydrogel and somewhat vermicompost retained moisture in the soil, the first showed to have positive effects at any dosage, and improved development and plant growth and hence, results in increased production of biomass, which is consistent with reportes for Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris var. cycla)22 and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)23.

Photosynthetic activity and transpiration

Photosynthesis was significantly higher (P<0.05) in dosages of 15 kg ha-1 of hydrogel at a rate of assimilation mmol 6.67 m-2 s-1 CO2, compared to the assimilation rate obtained when 10, 5 and 0 kg ha-1 were applied, with values of 4.05, 3.82 and 3.72, respectively. Similarly, at higher photosynthesis, increased conductance and transpiration, and vice versa (Table 3). Thus, the presence of moisture in the soil promotes plant photosynthetic activity, while water deficits decreases it24. The photosynthetic activity of the grass was strongly influenced by the condition of soil moisture; this was identified on November 6, 2013, when the average soil moisture was 18.4 % when the hydrogel was applied, with no statistical differences between the dosages, but significantly higher than the control (16.4 %). All this indicates that the moisture content in the soil is influenced by hydrogel, which effected positively the physiology of the plant (Table 4) and some variables of growth and development, at least in plant height and plant coverage, with significant correlation values of 0.5669 and 0.5452, respectively. Similarly, a significant positive correlation was found between plant height and plant coverage with the amount of dry matter produced (Table 4). In the case of buffel grass the physiological activity such as photosynthesis, transpiration and conductance, as well as the biological condition of the plants, depends also on light and other environmental conditions, particularly the condition of the water in the soil and somewhat on temperature25.

Table 3 Effect of hydrogel on photosynthetic activity and other physiological variables in buffel grass. November 2013 

Hydrogel dosages Soil moisture content (%) Photosynthesis (mmol m-2 s-1) Conductance (mol m-2 s-1) Transpiration (mmol H2O m-2 s-1)
0 16.4 b 3.72 b 0.0055 b 0.214 c
5 19.5 a 3.82 b 0.0089 a 0.227 bc
10 17.2 ab 4.05 ab 0.0066 ab 0.255 b
15 18.4 a 6.67 a 0.0099 a 0.382 a

ab Values with different letters within the same column are different (P<0.05).

Table 4 Pearson simple correlation of soil moisture content with some variables of growth and development of buffel grass 

SMC 1.000 0.56690.043 0.54520.043 0.48980.106
PC 1.000 0.52460.054 0.83770.0001
PH 1.000 0.71760.003
DM 1.000

SMC= Soil moisture content; PC= Plant coverage; PH= Plant height; DM= Dry matter.


Soil moisture content was significantly higher when the hydrogel was applied regardless of the dose, which resulted in more seedling emergence, greater height, more weight of dry matter per plant and plant coverage. A lesser effect was identified by applying vermicompost, in terms of both moisture content in the soil, as well as the response in growth and development of grass.


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Received: September 03, 2014; Accepted: November 24, 2014

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