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On-line version ISSN 1870-9044

Polibits  n.37 México Jan./Jun. 2008




This issue is the first one that reflects the renewed editorial strategy and image of the research journal "Polibits". The purpose of our journal is to publish research papers in the field of computer science and engineering with emphasis on the applied research.

The journal subject is really very broad being the computer science a vast camp of research; still we are sure that the journal will be of interest for the scientific community that works in this field and for prospective users of computer technologies. When possible, we will try to group the papers related to the same area of computer science in special issues or in special sections, for example, current issue has a special section on natural language processing.

The papers for the journal are selected on the basis of the strict double–blind reviewing process taking into account their originality and scientific contribution. The journal has an international editorial board formed by 21 distinguished scientists from 13 countries.

Current issue contains special section devoted to natural language processing that consists in 5 papers and 6 regular papers. The papers in the special section are the following.

The paper "Iterative Feedback based Manifold–Ranking for Update Summary" is devoted to the recently appeared concept of update summary, i.e., the summary that presents only the new information as compared to a set of previously given documents.

Issues that are important for information retrieval technologies related with morphological enrichment of queries are presented in the paper "Improvement of queries using a rule based procedure for inflection of compounds and phrases"

The paper "Web–based Bengali News Corpus for Lexicon Development and POS Tagging" presents the approach and experiments for rapid lexicon development and POS tagging for languages with less computational resources. The problem is important in the actuality since there are thousands of languages in the world and only dozens of them have enough resources.

In the paper "Methods for handling spontaneous ecommerce Arabic SMS: CATS, an operational proof of concept" an approach to natural language driven e–commerce is discussed.

The modern view on the example based machine translation is exemplified in the paper "Study of Example Based English to Sanskrit Machine Translation".

The following papers that appear in this issue are regular papers.

The paper "Aberración óptica (Optic aberration)" presents analytical equations in approximate form that describe the front of a spherical wave with aberration.

The idea of applying association mining techniques for improvement of dealing with information overload in a web oriented retailing is presented in "Applying dynamic causal mining in retailing".

The expert system that is expected to help to the diabetes patients is described in "Base de Conocimientos del Monitoreo de Parámetros Sanguíneos (Knowledge base for monitoring of the blood parameters)". It uses large database and fuzzy inference engine.

Interaction between semantically annotated Web services for health care is the theme of the paper "Supporting the Continuity of Home Care and the bidirectional Exchange of Data among various Points of Care by Semantically annotated Web Services".

The system that allows for development of projects related to immersion in virtual reality based on the endless walking and multipersonal cabin is described in the paper "Desarrollo de un sistema inmersivo de realidad virtual basado en cabina multipersonal y camino sin fin (Development of the system for immersing in virtual reality based on the endless walking and multipersonal cabin)".

Design and implementation of digital filters, as well as corresponding experiments are presented in the paper "Implentación de filtros digitales tipo FIR in FPGA (Implementation of digital filters of FIR type in FPGA)"

I hope that the readers will find this issue interesting and useful for many of their needs.


Grigori Sidorov

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