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Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society

Print version ISSN 1870-249X

J. Mex. Chem. Soc vol.55 n.4 Ciudad de México Oct./Dec. 2011




It has been an honour and a great responsibility for me to undertake the coordination of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society (JMCS) since 2007, replacing Prof. Guillermo Delgado-Lamas, who had held this position for a decade. During this time, the members of the Editorial Board intended to maintain the scientific quality of the journal and to achieve the goal of being included at the Journal of Citation Reports. Fortunately, this challenge was soon achieved, as in 2010 the journal was incorporated into this index of the internationally recognized journals of science, with an impact factor of 0.36. Nevertheless, one year later, the impact factor was increased to 0.68, which is a parameter of the significant interest and impact from publications in this journal by not only the Mexican contributions in chemistry, but also those of foreign scientists as well. Actually, the aim of this journal is to be an international forum for publishing original and significant contributions of fundamental research in all branches of experimental and theoretical chemistry.

By 2012, Professor Juvencio Robles will assume the responsability of the editorial coordination of this journal. He has been an active member of the J. Mex. Chem. Soc. Editorial Board, and an internationally recognized theoretical chemist. I am sure that as part of his new duties as coordinator of the Editorial Board of the journal, he will contribute to gaining better performance in the referee and publishing processes of the manuscripts, and consequently to consolidating reader confidence from the scientific chemical community.

I gratefully acknowledge all the members of the Editorial Board and all the referees for their effort not only to accomplish the tasks of reviewing the manuscripts and preparing and publishing the issues properly, but also for their generous and kindness support and assistance. With this teamwork, we have all been able to gain higher achievements for the journal. I thank Prof. Delgado for his helpful advice and cooperation in many editorial duties. In particular, I would like to express my grateful acknowledgement and thanks to Lidia Hernández for her editorial assistance and her patient collaboration.

Finally, I renew the invitation to our colleagues to consider the Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society as the choice for publishing the products of your research and to support your scientific arguments by citing papers published in our Journal.


Prof. Joaquín Tamariz
Editor in Chief of
the Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society

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