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Revista mexicana de física

Print version ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.60 n.4 México Jul./Aug. 2014




Indoor air quality analysis based on the ventilation effectiveness for CO2 contaminant removal in ventilated cavities


J. Serrano-Arellanoa*, M. Gijón-Riverab, J.M. Riesco-Ávilaa, J. Xamánc, and G. Álvarezc


a Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Universidad de Guanajuato, Carretera Salamanca-Valle de Santiago Km 3.5+1.8. Comunidad de Palo Blanco, Salamanca, Gto. C.P. 36885, México.

b Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Puebla, Vía Atlixcáyotl 2301, Reserva Territorial Atlixcáyotl, Puebla, Puebla CP 72453, México.

c Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, CENIDET-DGEST-SEP, Prol. Av. Palmira S/N. Col. Palmira. Cuernavaca, Morelos C.P. 62490, México.


Received 3 December 2013.
accepted 4 June 2014.



A theoretical study to determine an optimal configuration for removal a CO2 contaminant from inside a room is presented. The geometry considered was a 2D ventilated cavity in turbulent flow regime and solving the governing equations of mass, momentum and chemical species by the finite volume method. The interval of Reynolds number under study was 0 ≤ Re ≤ 2.5 X 104. The air inlet gap is located on the lower side of vertical right wall of the cavity. Three configurations of the cavity varying the air outlet gap on vertical left wall were analysed: in the upper side (case A), in the middle side (case B), and in the lower side (case C). From the results, case A removed the most amount of contaminant from inside room for a Re = 5 x 103, which had an effect on energy savings. The lower levels of contaminant for higher Reynolds numbers were obtained for the case B. The case C was the less desirable for contaminant removal purposes.

Keywords: Ventilation; indoor air quality; forced convection; turbulent flow; CO2 contaminant.


PACS: 47.11.Df; 47.27.E-





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