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Revista mexicana de física

Print version ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.60 n.3 México May./Jun. 2014




Gravitational waves bounds in Brane-Worlds


M. A. García-Aspeitia


Departamento de Física, DCI, Campus León, Universidad de Guanajuato, León, Guanajuato, 37150, México, e-mail:


Received 12 February 2014
accepted 4 March 2014



This paper is dedicated to investigate an astrophysical method to obtain the new dynamics generated by extra dimensions as well as bounds for the brane tension. Using the modified Einstein equations in the brane with a vanishing non-local effects, we study the contributions of the modified radiated power by gravitational waves and the stellar period modified by branes in a binary system composed by two neutron stars. Finally we propose two lower energy bounds, using these astrophysical methods.

Keywords: Branes; extra dimensions.


PACS: 04.50.-h





We would like to thank referee for his/her comments. Also, the author was indebted with Luis Urena, Leonardo Ortiz, Juan Magana, Yoelsy Leyva, Juan Barranco, Arturo Avelino and Francisco Linares for reading the first results and for the observations proposed for improving the paper. This work is supported by a CONACyT postdoctoral grant. Instituto Avanzado de Cosmología (IAC) and Beyond Standard Theory Group (BeST) collaboration. This work was partially supported by SNI-CONACyT (Mexico).



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