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Geofísica internacional

On-line version ISSN 2954-436XPrint version ISSN 0016-7169

Geofís. Intl vol.58 n.1 Ciudad de México Jan./Mar. 2019  Epub Oct 09, 2020




Servando De la Cruz Reyna

Roberto Carniel

Andrea Rostan Robledo

“Once, the bottom of the crater was silent like an abandoned grave. The sepulchral silence was only disturbed by the fall of crags that the wind ripped from its edges. Today, the old tomb has become a forge.”

“In the crater bottom, a huge prominence rises like a flower of fire, and around it long fumaroles, undulating pistils, form a movable crown. The internal forces have made their way through the crags that covered the old mouth, and now the lava boils between slags, with flaring splendor.”

“Violent explosions remove the red-hot liquid. Bristling, whistling, thick jets of steam and smoke mixed with lava particles, stones and ashes. Boulders and fire rains. A dreadful murmur shakes the Mountain and in the enormous hole it flares and roars the blood of the Planet.”

(Gerardo Murillo, Dr Atl, 1921. “En el fondo del cráter”, from Sinfonías del Popocatépetl, México Moderno Eds.)

This vivid description of the eruption of lava domes onset between March 1919 and June 1920, which lasted until 1927, can be freely applied to what happened between December 1994 and March 1996, a period in which the second 20th century lava domes eruption of Popocatépetl began. This eruption continues to the present, and for the 25th anniversary of its beginning, GEOFÍSICA INTERNACIONAL invited the international scientific community to submit results of their research to be included in the first two issues of 2019. Although these numbers are commemorative of the beginning of the cur-rent eruptive episode, their contents are not exclusive to the volcanic theme, since they also include other topics of the Earth sciences to maintain the diversity that characterizes our journal. We hope our readers find these contents useful and interesting.

Servando De la Cruz Reyna Editor-in-Chief
Roberto Carniel Editor of Volcanolgy
Andrea Rostan Robledo Technical Editor

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