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Tzintzun. Revista de estudios históricos

On-line version ISSN 2007-963XPrint version ISSN 1870-719X


CAPDEPONT BALLINA, Jorge Luis  and  DIAZ PERERA, Miguel Ángel. Smallpox in Tabasco: its impact and preventive measures (1890-1915). Tzintzun. Rev. estud. históricos [online]. 2014, n.59, pp.53-93. ISSN 2007-963X.

The goal of this paper is to present the measures taken in a local context (on the example of Tabasco) to face the impact of the smallpox epidemics at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries in the framework of new control strategies such as public and medical policies which served to reduce mortality rates. This article will shed light on how efficient measures were taken in areas far from the Mexican capital, under difficult conditions such as demographic dispersion, little state control, lack of standard medical protocols, extreme heat, lack of roads and an emphasis on inland water transport.

Keywords : smallpox; epidemic; vaccination; local context; hygiene; Tabasco.

        · abstract in Spanish | French     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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