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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

Print version ISSN 1870-5472


DIAZ ESPINOSA, A. Guadalupe et al. Restrictions for results orientation of rural development programs in Mexico. agric. soc. desarro [online]. 2019, vol.16, n.2, pp.199-218.  Epub Feb 25, 2020. ISSN 1870-5472.

The objective of this study was to specify the influence of sectorial planning and evaluation on the design and budgeting of programs linked to rural development and their impact on their improvement. For this, the Integral Program for Rural Development (Programa Integral de Desarrollo Rural, PIDR) by SAGARPA was analyzed, and its relation with normative instruments; in addition, interviews were performed with key actors involved in the processes of design and budgeting of programs directed at the rural sector. It was found that the six-year-term sectorial planning is formally an exercise ordered with accurate diagnoses, with explicit objectives and goals. However, it is not considered in the design and budget allocation of each program; rather, these result from the annual negotiation of the federal government with political groups from the House of Representatives, the Mexican Council on Rural Sustainable Development, the Association of Rural Development Ministers, and unionized producers’ organizations, among others. It is concluded that the instruments of planning, monitoring and control do not guarantee the design and budgeting of results oriented rural development programs.

Keywords : evaluation; management for results; public policies based on evidences; budgeting; agricultural extension services.

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