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vol.29 issue69Forest activity in the economic development of Chignahuapan, PueblaOrigin, protagonists and alliances: Bank of San Luis Potosi, 1897-1916 author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Región y sociedad

On-line version ISSN 2448-4849Print version ISSN 1870-3925


ERREJON GOMEZ, Julio César; FLORES FLORES, José Luis; MUNOZ ROBLES, Carlos Alfonso  and  REYES HERNANDEZ, Humberto. Forest policies in the state of San Luis Potosi in the Porfiriato. Región y sociedad [online]. 2017, vol.29, n.69, pp.219-248. ISSN 2448-4849.

Current actions and omissions in forest policy can be clarified if the historical background is reviewed. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the influence of the international context on forest policies implemented during the regime of Porfirio Diaz (1876-1911). In particular, it aims to broaden the outlook on government policies created for the management, use and conservation of forests and their impacts on San Luis Potosi. A thorough consultation of historical and bibliographical documents was made to understand the historical processes. It was found that the international environment encouraged the creation of laws, regulations and federal and local institutions for the purpose of regulating the exploitation, management and conservation of forests. However, the state of San Luis Potosi experienced a significant reduction in their forest areas; in addition, the federal and state governments showed no interest in applying conservation of forests in Potosi territory.

Keywords : conservation of forests; forest policies; forest exploitation; environmental conservation; deforestation; Porfiriato period; San Luis Potosi.

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