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Revista mexicana de biodiversidad

On-line version ISSN 2007-8706Print version ISSN 1870-3453


SANTILLAN-RAMIREZ, Magali A.; LOPEZ-VILLAFRANCO, Ma. Edith; AGUILAR-RODRIGUEZ, Silvia  and  AGUILAR-CONTRERAS, Abigail. Etnobotany, leaf architecture, and vegetative anatomy of Agastache mexicana ssp. mexicana and A. mexicana ssp. xolocotziana. Rev. Mex. Biodiv. [online]. 2008, vol.79, n.2, pp.513-524. ISSN 2007-8706.

This work provides information on ethnobotany, leaf architecture and anatomy of Agastache mexicana ssp. mexicana (toronjil morado) and A. mexicana ssp. xolocotziana (toronjil blanco), with the purpose that they will be included in the Pharmacopeia Herbolaria of the Estados Unidos Mexicanos (FHEUM) and that their anatomical characters could be used to validate the identity of the botanical material in quality control. We gathered ethnobotanical information using semi-structured interviews of people from Temoaya, Mexico State, Mexico. Semi-permanent and permanent slides for structural analysis and leaf architecture were made. Both toronjiles are used by the inhabitants as a therapeutic and ornamental resource, they are distinguished by the leaf shape, flower color, and flavor, but there are no use preferences between them. Leaf architecture follows the acrodromous pattern of basal position with an imperfect development; areoles show an imperfect development with a random arrangement, with simple or once-branched veinlets and the margin with cunonioid teeth in both species. Anatomical differences are observed in the stem include the more abundant uniseriate non- glandular trichomes and the more highly developed developed sclerenchyma bands in A. mexicana ssp. xolocotziana with respect to A. mexicana ssp. mexicana.

Keywords : Agastache; ethnobotany; leaf architecture; anatomy; Temoaya.

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