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On-line version ISSN 2448-539XPrint version ISSN 1870-1191


LOPEZ LOPEZ, Leydi Magaly; RAMOS MUNOZ, Dora Elia  and  HUICOCHEA GOMEZ, Laura. The Dance of the Tiger´s patrimonialization in a ch’ol town Puxcatan, Mexico. Culturales [online]. 2019, vol.7, e370.  Epub Aug 07, 2020. ISSN 2448-539X.

The article analyzes the historical, sociocultural, envirommental and political elements in the Dance of Tiger (DT) and its patrimonial process since 1980 in Puxcatan, Tabasco, Mexico. It uses qualitative methods: semi-structured interviews, participatory observation and field diary, and a survey there. DT begins as a bilingual teacher’s counterhegemonic practice and becomes, by the socialization of dance with public institutions that sought to reproduce hegemonic practices, in a traditional dance "registered" by the state of Tabasco, Mexico. For 2016 the dance was not staged there, nor received invitations from public institutions, but it can be part of Puxcatan tourism content. The research exemplifies how an expression of identity, even with the changes provided by modernity, and sometimes thanks to them, continues to be alive and in developing.

Keywords : heritage; traditional dance; hegemony; socialization; social change.

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