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vol.2 issue1Ángeles Sin Fronteras, A.C. y el proceso de deportación a Mexicali, Baja CaliforniaArte, literatura y acción colectiva en Tijuana-San Diego author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2448-539XPrint version ISSN 1870-1191


GARCIA ORTEGA, Martha  and  MARIN POOT, Héctor Manuel. Creación y apropiación de espacios sociales en el turismo gay: Identidad, consumo y mercado en el Caribe mexicano. Culturales [online]. 2014, vol.2, n.1, pp.71-94. ISSN 2448-539X.

For at least a decade, it has been insisted a lot in the world tourism orientation as a development option. Seen through marketing studies, this economic sector, whatever its version is, has proliferated and laid down its basis in the most remote corners of the planet. At the side of social studies, there are anthropologic investigations doomed to diverse topics; one of them refers to one extension of the paradigm of otherness to study the processes of recognition of the other in touristic contexts. A line of work that is more in tune in Mexico, guided by the notion of heritage, puts at the center the cultural and natural resources exploitation as a source of likes to visitors. From these two perspectives, the case of gay tourism in Cancun is presented, placed in the demanding region of the Mexican Caribbean. Its takeoff and attempts of consolidation as a touristic segment face diverse dilemmas of social and political order. In that environment, practices of consumption are analyzed where collective identities debate against hegemonic models exposed in social spaces of interaction created by the market and appropriated as scenery of symbolic strife.

Keywords : gay identity; touristic consumption; social space.

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