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vol.7 issue14La conciencia atormentada de un monstruo abandonado. "La casa de Asterión", Jorge Luis BorgesImágenes de la diversidad. El movimiento de liberación LGTB tras el velo del cine author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2448-539XPrint version ISSN 1870-1191


GARCIA PENA, Lilia Leticia. Las astillas del racionalismo: la crisis del pensamiento moderno en la narrativa mexicana contemporánea. Culturales [online]. 2011, vol.7, n.14, pp.35-56. ISSN 2448-539X.

One of the great inheritances of modernity is the exercise of the rationalism; its questioning and fragmentation are the constant of the subverted forms of thought from the second half of the 20th century. The mexican contemporary narrative shows this reality through the representation of characters who think obsessively and through the intense questioning of the neuronal and rational limits of human beings. The work analyzes the symbolism of this process of the mexican narrative in four cases of 20th century: Juan Rulfo, Jose Revueltas, Rosario Castellanos and Luis Carrión, and in four works of the 21st century from the writers Aline Pettersson, Pedro Palou Angel, Patricia Laurent Kullick and Socorro Venegas. From the point of view of the literary theorical-critics concerns, the work parts from the mythocritical statements of Gilbert Durand, the discursive ones of Mijaíl Bajtín and the semiotic ones of Iuri Lotman.

Keywords : reason; modernity; crisis; Mexican contemporary narrative.

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