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vol.5 issue9Discourse analysis and its contributions to literary studies within the framework of the coordinates a. author, b. work, c. reader, and d. contextLiterary Distance on the U.S.-Mexican Border author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2594-1917Print version ISSN 1870-0063


GONZALEZ MATEOS, Adriana. Was Borges a misogynist?: The Construction of Masculinity and the Critique of Binary Thought in some of the Works of Jorge Luis Borges. Andamios [online]. 2008, vol.5, n.9, pp.99-112. ISSN 2594-1917.

This article starts with a discussion of Borges' alleged misogyny to analyze several works by him from the point of view of the construction of masculinities. Then it explores the relations between Borges' work and the destabilization of binary systems of thought discussed by Foucault and later taken by Judith Butler as a point of departure of her critique of gender binarism.

Keywords : Borges; gender; masculinities; literary criticism.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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